Reviews for Peterson Verdict
Cheryl30 chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
I definitely want this fucker to get the death penalty. And I hate to bring up race and privilege, but this case has gone under the rug. If it had a been a person of color with a lower social class this case would be talked about for years in the media as well on the streets.
Gypsie Girl chapter 1 . 2/25/2005
"To be perfectly honest, I hope this piece of shit gets the death penalty"

Well said...
Jack Ryan chapter 1 . 12/31/2004
You said "Why in the name of God did it take so long for these people to figure out he killed them?" Our founding fathers set up a legal system in which EVERYONE is presumed inocent until they are proven guilty. EVERYONE must be given a trial in which they are represented/represent themselves and have a chance to refute evidence given against them. This system was set up to protect the life and liberty of you, me, AND SCOTT PETERSON. You may be eager to revoke Scott's rights but how would you like your own revoke if you're ever brought to court? While the justice system is not perfect, no system is. But I link to think we in the United States have got it pretty good compared to most other countries in the world. I noticed some else who gave you a review thought castration would be best. While that certainly sounds horrible, I think that might actually work to prevent more sexual-based crimes from occuring. For another thing, a castrated pervert wouldn't be able to rape other men in prison. I also think you're writing would improve if you worked on forming an outline before you wrote your essays. Your train of thought and your arguments don't always follow a definite patern. They just appear to be emotional rants.
infallible chapter 1 . 11/18/2004
The Peterson case is the Twinkie of the legal system. Fluffy, empty of substance, and, for many people, very addictive.

Not eight months before the Peterson trial, there was a poor Latina woman found in the exact same bay with her head chopped off- OMG JUST LIKE LACI. It got a mention on page B8 of the San Francisco Chronicle like... once, whereas the Peterson trial was on the front page or close to it for... what has it been now, two years? Three?

I think entirely too much media attention has been paid to the case in general. Yeah, he's a schmuck. Yes, he deserves punishment. But c'mon, there are much more interesting cases out there.

Also, you should know that it costs $2 million dollars- on average- to put an execution through the legal system. That's enough money to keep a man in jail for 80 years.

Since the apparent motive was that he wanted to live the swinging bachelor life without the burdon of alimony and child support, I think it would be the more fitting punishment for him to waste away in jail for the rest of his life.

That said, pretty well written essay.
C. Catlin chapter 1 . 11/18/2004
I got a paragraph and a half into the essay, and I almost had to stop reading. You said "Why in the name of God did it take so long for these people to figure out he killed them?" I find this statement disturbing. Why shouldent it take them that long? What if it was you?(and you where innocent, duh. He deserves chinese water torture). Wouldn't you want the jury to take there time and make the right verdict?

It is ingnorent people like this who make our legal system fail. diespite the overwhelming evedince you should still take everything into concideration. If a man was accused of murdring his wife, but he really didn't, and it was truely a local crime syndicate whom he had upset by blowing a drug deal whom had set him up. dont you think that he desevers to be free? Some people really underestamate the power of organized crime.

I am NOT saying that Peterson was innocent, I'm just saying that a jury should ALWAYS take there time when dilberating.


(sorry about any misspellings)
Namir Swiftpaw chapter 1 . 11/18/2004
I don't know about everyone who murders someone being executed, but I think there are certain crimes that really deserve much harsher punishments (ie: child molestors).

I have been paying attention to the case as well (I love Court TV), and I really did think he was guilty from the get-go. I am glad that, even if it did take them a long time, that at least they were able to get the job done.

My stance on child molestors, though? Castration. Period. Or people who exploit children for the penis or clitoris. Right off it goes.

...I just have a vendetta against those types of people. -;;

Thanks for saying that my essay "Gay is Okay" was well-done...I read your review you left on The Zaniak's's appreciated. :)

Take care!

~Namir Swiftpaw