Reviews for Wilted Innocence
Sarah chapter 25 . 1/17/2007
GREAT story! Loved the plot twists! You certainly have a talent for them!
Crewger chapter 25 . 12/19/2006
OMG I love the ending so much!
Love is a Ring Toss Game chapter 1 . 9/17/2006
Love it!
PearlinTheMist chapter 25 . 5/14/2006
amazing story, very, very well written. I miss Stealing Madison though. haha. One of my favorites
iou chapter 24 . 4/28/2006
this is really confusing. who is actually there, hannah or ryann? and you are somewhat repetitive. and why does ryann suddenly get powers?
akaCHEEKS chapter 25 . 4/12/2006
omg! i love these kinds of stories! omg! it's so cuute! haha! i loved it so much that i ended up saving it and printing it out! lolz haha can you believe that? wellz yeah it's one of my favorite stories now ok? alright wellz hope you make more stories like these!
akaCHEEKS chapter 4 . 4/11/2006
i like it so far... hehehe
Katana146 chapter 11 . 3/28/2006
Wow! It's really good... I've only read up to chapter 11, and i would keep reading but i've already stayed up over an hour past when my dad ordered me to bed... this story is a good way!
anon chapter 25 . 1/30/2006
I liked the twists at the ending. :D
anon chapter 18 . 1/30/2006
We could drown her! Dunk her into the lake!”

β€œOr better still! Burn her at the stake!” Hey look! A rhyme. You could make it into a mUSICAl! Anyway... good story. :D
Steve chapter 25 . 1/20/2006
:) O hehe, very good ending, great story all together...honestly, i think you should try getting some of these published, you may need to do work on them, such as editing grammar and such, but i honestly think they are that good :D the endings from you are great, not sudden and confusing, but eased into and easy to understand :) your characters are great, love the personality of them, and your "villains" are quite evil :P anyways, i think ill go check some of your other pieces now :D
Steve chapter 15 . 1/20/2006
Ello again, just wanted to say good job, love the intricate plot twist there :) I never expected Eliot to be one of the "bad guys" hehe, can't wait to read the other chapters :D
Stevers chapter 12 . 1/19/2006
Ello, bah, not fond of Maddock, hehe whatta bitch, Ryann is much more..shall i say, smarter and more..quick witted? hehe, I dunno, thats like more of an attraction to me, Maddock is*thinks* Stupid! lol, on a second note, very nice chapter, and nice cliffie, surprised me :P hehe ok, well back to reading, have enough time for one more chapter i believe before the bell rings for next class. :(
Steve chapter 11 . 1/19/2006
Ep, hopefully you dont mind seeing my name like uhm *thinks* 5-6 times in a row or more by the time i need to go to my next class, lol :) your story is really good, good humor, your good with explaining feelings of your characters, its really nice, and the story itself so far is great, its a bit confusing in the beginning, but it seems to be getting much clearer and easier to understand :) lol well must read on! :D
Steve chapter 9 . 1/19/2006
Me again :D nice chapter, made me smile a few times, hehe, interestingly enough...I want a cup of tea now..crap :P
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