Reviews for Reality Bites |
Ashley chapter 15 . 12/15/2005 hehe good chapter! |
CheesyBiscuits chapter 15 . 12/15/2005 Great chapter! It's cool to see Mr. Fitzgerald finally coming out of his shell. I cant believe that Brandon would betray Michael like that! Update soon! |
BadSweets chapter 15 . 12/15/2005 I DEMAND AN UPDATE! Only complying with your orders XD Nice chapter! THE SILLY MOUSE XD She should so name him. OR them. Not exactly plot movement, but character relationship development! At least! And she decides Brendon's not for her... and she develops sympathy for Fitzy... |
Abigail Radle chapter 15 . 12/15/2005 "Leave a review that demands an update"?I hate demanding anything of a writer since I know how difficult it is to plow through writer's block occassionally but I am definitely interested in seeing where you take this ... Naughty Brandon, sleeping with his friend's wife. I wonder, though, what the boy's logic or rationale for that possibly could have he'll get a chance to reveal I'm still wondering how long the MC will last as Michael's secretary before that wench bucket finds a permanent replacement? LOL |
Dirty Secret chapter 15 . 12/15/2005 UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! *Starts to turn hysterical* UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! P.S Amusing chapter and UPDATE! |
Raomina chapter 15 . 12/15/2005 Honestly, I think that the pace of this story is quite slow. It's romance yet after 15 chapters, no relationship or close-to-be is established. Anyway, I feel that there is something behind Brandon's relationship with Danny. Perhaps it's because Michael was always so busy as a lawyer that he didn't have much time for her. Anyway, update soon. |
EM0tionalxdragon chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 Ooh! Me likeys! The Ohio thing is pretty funny though I can tell how that would get annoying. Well, I'll be waiting for the next chapter, as always... :D |
j.u.s.t. .f.o.r. .m.e chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 you call that a semi long chapter.. i call that short! update soon pls |
Endowment's Seraph chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 wow. just wow. i kinda wasn't expecting that and i was. okay so i was hoping that i wasn't expecting that. i'm not making sense. i'm sleepy. lol. well write mroe soon~Mel |
summers-end chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 So Brandon is out of the picture, hmm?Aww...I liked him...except for the cheating thing and all... Update soon! summers-end |
Momochi Zabuza chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 Thank you for updating! Omg! Michael did that? *gasp* CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! Update soon please! |
Claire-a-bell chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 Ohio power! Heh, yeah, I've heard of that Ohio thing before. I like how Brandon randomly added it in. It actually helps show more about his personality. Plus, it's good that we are finally getting a bit more of the story. Luck with the next chapter. |
kat6528 chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 Can't wait for the next chapter! |
A.C.Killeaney chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 I like that last bit about band camp, mostly cuz I've been there and done that, with a tuba. The Allison charactor is sound more like me the more i read. Kinda creepy, but I still like the story. Update soon. |
alltw2mars chapter 15 . 12/14/2005 Okay, you seriously need to update a little more often. I looked at my email and saw this title Reality Bites, and was like what the hell is that? Yeah, it's been that long. Update! Update! Update! I love this story so much, and make it longer! Longer! Longer! |