Reviews for Reality Bites
goldenphoenix83 chapter 14 . 11/13/2005
this chapter was kind of short..but I think the plot is "unraveling". I like the bit about Danielle being "Danny" and how Allison looks like her. It seems Brandon liked Danielle too update soon! I am eager to see Mr. Fitzgerald and Allison talk more! thanks
jammi chapter 14 . 11/13/2005
I'm sorry to hear about the problem's your going through, I really hope everything works out for the best.

Nice mini-update,lol. Why doesn't Allison admit she knows squat about that CIA guy? It's going to come around and bite her on the ass, I can just tell, lol. tsk tsk to Brandon, tsk tsk
Endowment's Seraph chapter 14 . 11/13/2005
it's great! and hey, knowing me, if that had happened it would have been my first conclusion as well. considering my luck. lol. well, i'm sorry to hear about your recent unpleasentness. I guess that's the onle word i can think to sum both up, although tragedy would also do just as well. Good luck and *hug*~Mel
Abigail Radle chapter 14 . 11/13/2005
"Nevertheless, I grabbed a cup of coffee and bravely went out to face the world. And promptly got run over by a taxi." *rotfl* I feel this way sometimes. I think it's one reason why I spend so much time with my fingers glued to a keyboard.

At any rate, what a helluva twist, eh? A cheating wife... getting hot n heavy with the hubby's best friend. Oh not good. I wonder if Michael even has any idea? *shudders* DUN DUN DUN. *lmao*
j.u.s.t. .f.o.r. .m.e chapter 14 . 11/13/2005
So how long did you take to review this time? ... did Danny cheat on ''mr. fitzgerald'' with Brandon? is that why they're divorced now?.. pls remember to update
Abigail Radle chapter 13 . 11/13/2005
"Michael wasn't at Lily's"? umm. That should be "Anthony" I'm thinking, unless your MC's thoughts are just getting screwed Brandon isn't necessarily gay *lol* Danny could be a girl's nickname, short for Danielle... right?
Abigail Radle chapter 4 . 11/13/2005
The only thing I've noticed thus far that this story lacks at all is descriptions. I have no idea at all about what anyone looks like ... including the main character, come to think of it. *pouts* Is that intentional at all? Just wondering...
Abigail Radle chapter 1 . 11/13/2005
*rotfl* This has got to be one of the best openings to a story that I have read in a very long time. I absolutely LOVED every word of the things that come out rather unexpectedly turn out to be the best ideas writers come up with, and this is certainly no exception, in my opinion. I have a definite love for the character you've created here, I can sympathize with her on so many different levels, and its refreshing to see some sarcasm that isn't laced (read tainted) with angsty teenage sentiment. Yes! Finally a character that's not a teenager ... woohoo! *rotfl some more* *goes off to continue reading*
whacked chapter 13 . 11/11/2005
hahahaha...that was so funny, i just had to stop and wonder what i would do if that would happen to me (esp seeing as it would have been my first kiss) i love this story its so funny and i love the main character ally, i do wish that she and mike had a more interaction but i guess its better to build it up slowly...i love the anticipation of it all...i love this story so you must update! i would love it if you would review my work! but i shall be waiting for the next update ever so impatiently
backseats on thursdays chapter 13 . 11/7/2005
update update update! son!
letylyf chapter 13 . 11/6/2005
Aahh! it's.. what the heck, there's no more! *pounds the 'next chapter button* dammit, I want MORE.

This is a hilarious story, and the characters are so neat, the clichés just serve to make everything even funnier and I REALLY WANT MORE!
xiaobudian chapter 13 . 11/4/2005
hehe...cute story...please update
goldenphoenix83 chapter 13 . 11/3/2005
interesting case going on with Terrence Philips.I did not expect Brandon to be a duke! perhaps really rich but I guess giving him royality status is more dramatic lol

Mr Fitzgerald( is that spelled right?) seems like a "deep" person and I like adding in how Allison looks like his ex-wife.

wonderful story yay I am addicted! so please write more, update as soon as you can! thanks
goldenphoenix83 chapter 6 . 11/3/2005
Allison's reality really does bite. However, I like how you put her in a low position such as a secretary and I am glad she stood up for herself instead of listening to her boss tell how far above her he is.

the vomit and the alcohol spill over Allison was funny and pretty sad for her. what a busy night for her!

good job on the story so far!
marina eyes chapter 13 . 10/15/2005
this story is SO good! please update soon.
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