Reviews for Reality Bites |
none chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 good chapter, short, but good. is danny an ex-girlfriend, cause danny is also a girls name. |
c4rm3n chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 ooh yay, another chapter, woot! and huh, danny huh? well.. it doesn't SOUND like Brandon is gay, i haven't gotten that impression so maybe it was a girl-danny? or dani, however you spell the female version of danny. or maybe it wasn't danny! maybe he said.. uh "damn" and it sounded like danny.. huh, that sounded lame, even to me, but you never know, i guess.. great chapter, i can't wait for the next.. and hopefully michael'll be in it :) toodles! |
DuchessYappingDog chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 OH! Is Mike's ex-wife (er dead or cheated? I forgot) called Danielle or something? I totally forgot if you mentioned her name or not. I forgot what chapter it was in (before or after the family reuinion?) Sigh. I thought she was gonna get with her boss! I mean, I like Brandon, but yeah. |
P.M chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 You meanoie! You left it at a good part. Wow, Brandon could be GAY? That's a new one! It starting to show that she trusts her boss now about things like questions about things. Bye. |
Annie chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 Oh my gosh! You finally posted! I was starting to get kind of worried thinking that you'd fallen off the face of the planet. Anyway...Danny, huh? Is Brandon keeping a secret? Please post soon. Thanks! |
The 2nd Mrs de Winter chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 Is Danny fitz's wife? Well, that's my guess, and I really love Brandon, but I didn't think that he was about to jump her, but cute, funny and sweet as usual, but I want more fitz! Well, I hope that it isn't another month before you update again. . .TTFN ;-D |
ISabellacat chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 no, but but but Brandon's supposed to be with LUCY and he is so confused. Sigh. Well, update as soon as you can! ) |
summers-end chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 He's GAY? GAH! That's so unfair! Yes. You should feel bad that you updated only after a really long while and when you did update, it was really, really short, FAR too short in fact. WHO IS DANNY? I hope it's short for Danielle or something so at least he's not gay...but that's bad too, that he's murmuring some other girl's name. But if he's wanted to do it for weeks...WHO IS DANNY? GAH! *CONFUSED* UPDATE SOON! And longer too this time, please! summers-end(formerly known as basicME) |
eve-maiden chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 yay! an update! this chappie is so cool! she kissed brandon! well he kissed her but yea anyways... i'm thinking that maybe danny is a girl like danielle or somthing you know? but whatever please update soon! i wanna know all about this! later days! eve maiden |
CheesyBiscuits chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 Who is Danny? At first I thoght Danny was Allison's cousin, but then i thought "her name isn't Danny. Right?"Great chapter. I don't think Brandon is gay. that whole cancer thing was really funny. update soon1 |
Lady Wrye chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 I have a history with cancer in my family and all, but the joke didn't really offend me. Its good that your dad is cancer free. My grandma died from cancer, and now my grandpa has it. But I understand the joke, and yes, in a way, it is funny. Nice chapter by the way. |
kat6528 chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 CAn't wait for the next chapter! |
Jmarit17 chapter 13 . 9/18/2005 Loved it! excellent chapter! hilarious! write more soon please and good luck at school. kellie |
IntentionallyLeftBlank chapter 12 . 9/17/2005 are you?, this is a great story! ...uh...ok...sorry...but I forgot everything I was about to say...gimme a minute...'s not coming back...sorry...'ll try to do better next time...sorry... ...until then, see ya! -WLFH- |
eve-maiden chapter 12 . 9/15/2005 i love this story! please update soon! i never expected brandon to be a duke but i did think that he wasnt just out of a job lol. thats aweomse i cant wait to read more! later days! Eve Maiden |