Reviews for Reality Bites
CheesyBiscuits chapter 3 . 1/23/2005
i cant believe he jsut said that. of all the stupid arrogant pig headed ppl in NYC she had to get stuck w/ the worst one of all. i feel so bad for her. i would totally kick his butt if i were allison. update soon!
jammi chapter 3 . 1/23/2005
lol, wow can't wait for the next chapter!
Mellisau8 chapter 2 . 1/22/2005
This is hilarious! I'm been laughing to myself for the past half our. My parents probably think I'm a freak now, but that's okay! _ Update soon! I'd like to hear more about Allison's adventures as a New Yorker. I like Allison, not in a wierd way of course, but I like her character. She's seems clever, in her own way. And she's witty. You make references to the outside world, like the whole tough guy lawyer thing, which is really neat.

Have you ever read the Alice series by the author who wrote Shiloh? You're as good with humor as her, if you've ever read the books. Send this to a magezine or something to get it publsihed, I'm sure they would.
jammi chapter 2 . 1/14/2005
hahaha, brilliant! I really like the directiont this is taking, POST SOON!
Kumoritora chapter 2 . 1/1/2005
lol I know what you mean about the family reunions... (shudders) weird experiences. lol The story sounds great! REally cool plot. I can't wait for the next chap!
FamousOneLiners chapter 2 . 12/24/2004
hehe this is funy
Sam again chapter 2 . 12/21/2004
The second chapter was better than the first! I like where this is going!
Sam chapter 1 . 12/21/2004
Wow! this is very good! I like the way you write...It's different than most of the things I've read...different, but good.
Secretive chapter 2 . 12/19/2004
Love it! Love it! Love it! Allison is so cool, and Lucille sounds great too! .~ Oh, and the boss...Fitzgerald,(I almost named a character that, but I decided to name him Doon instead)he sounds great as well, I can't wait until you update next! Because, personally, the family reunion thing sounds great-a whole bunch of odd people in one place? That always breeds chaos and hilarious reading. .~ Terry Phillips...I wonder what's up with him? Update soon!
Secretive chapter 1 . 12/19/2004
Whoa, I really like this already. Allison is great! . And I can't wait to hear more from her. And I already love the wackiness of her family (pf course I have this major things for crazy families-blame my relatives) and her. . The sarcasm is great! Now, to the next chapter!
CheesyBiscuits chapter 2 . 12/18/2004
who the hell is terrance? i mean i kno that he's some psychotic criminal, but wat exactly did he do...? btw, i lyk allison. she's pretty funny. her boss sounds REALLY yummy. i luv brittish accents. up date soon.
endless horizon chapter 2 . 12/18/2004
hi i liked you story very much, especially Allison. anyways do update soon, i'll be waiting.
s2wateva chapter 2 . 12/18/2004
Great story! U absolutely must update soon! :D
SamiJo chapter 2 . 12/17/2004
Very good laugh, cant wait to read more. Keep up the good work.
Fairytale Kiddo chapter 2 . 12/17/2004
This is an absolutely fabulous story! Reminds me a bit of Bridget Jones's Diary (and that's a very good thing). I can't wait to see where you take it (although, obviously, Allison and Mr. Fitzgerald end up falling in love, but I'd be delighted to see how exactly that comes about). WRITE MORE!
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