Reviews for Reality Bites
Dreaming One chapter 15 . 3/23/2007
Grr! Bad Brandon! Bad, bad friend!
Dreaming One chapter 14 . 3/23/2007
I'm sorry, but that's awful. I would hate to have two men in my life who were only vaguely interested in me because I looked like somebody else. How depressing!
Dreaming One chapter 13 . 3/23/2007
Danny? He's GAY? Hahaha! It wouldn't actually surprise me, I gt distinctly platonic vibes between Ally and he.

"I know that there is no way I can work this out on my own so instead of going back to my own apartment I find my way over to Lily’s. And if her new “love of her life” is there then, well, he can leave. Because I am the best friend and therefore have seniority rank over him.

Luckily enough, though, Michael is not at Lily’s so there is one battle that does not have to take place."

Isn't it Anthony who Lily slept with?
Dreaming One chapter 12 . 3/23/2007
Brandon is a DUKE? (blinks) Okay. Hmm. Okay! We can work with this! lol. I still think Michael is a better match for her, but that's pretty damn cool!
Dreaming One chapter 11 . 3/23/2007
lol! I've done that! Jumped off a tractor in a panic and left it running. Eek! And, I also accidentally took my foot off the clutch and almost ran over my mother...luckily, it was just a riding lawn-mower, not a serious tractor. You should have seen her screech and jump! hahaha! Accused me of doing it on purpose, but please, I wasn't that gutsy back then. ;)

Poor Brandon!
Dreaming One chapter 9 . 3/23/2007
This is so cute! I like Allison's family. And her bookshelf is like mine! Only, mine is organized by genre and author and colour. . .don't ask.

Brandon is a doll, but Michael suits her better. ;)
Dreaming One chapter 8 . 3/23/2007
How cute is Brandon? Seriously! I love that guy. I can't believe he's going to the reunion with her. Aww!
Dreaming One chapter 5 . 3/23/2007
Lol! She will be so humiliated tomorrow.
Dreaming One chapter 4 . 3/23/2007
This Michael Fitzgerald? Yeah, he's awesome.

You are awesome.

Reading on...
Dreaming One chapter 3 . 3/23/2007
"“Don’t you think you should slow down?” I say.

He glares at me. “This is for your benefit, you know.”

“And how is that?”

“I’ve never met a woman I can’t drink attractive. Just give me about half an hour.”"



Lily is adorable, she reminds me of my best friend. *beams* I've been teaching my friend to have backbone too.
Dreaming One chapter 2 . 3/23/2007
"“Terrance Phillips. Find him and preferably get him in here in person.”"

Terrance Phillips. I got the biggest visual of South Park from that!

Awesome chapter! This is so interesting. You're good at this. Your writing...moves. It's catchy.

Reading on...
planurescape chapter 18 . 3/23/2007
Hey, you updated! Finally! I was just about to give up on this story. I think ally and Mike are very cute together, funny, and extrenmely bipolar. Great up date and hopefully you'll do it again... maybe sometime this year? lol!


Dreaming One chapter 1 . 3/23/2007

Allison is so easy to relate to. I adore her and am rooting for her already. I love that you have this in her voice, but she doesn't ramble in annoying inner monologues. I love your description of her loserdom, because I am also a loser, lol, and it makes me feel better. How easy is it to live vicariously through a character you can understand? Very easy! ;)

The grandmother who is dying all the time? Oh man, reminded me so much of my family! And the whole 'why aren't you married' thing? Just last week I was visiting family, and my aunt and grandpa bombarded me with questions: "Why aren't you married?" "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" "What about that young man who used to follow you around all the time?" "Your sister is married you know." "Are you ever going to get married?" "Are you a lesbian?" "Some people marry their cousins, you know." And I'm only 21!

(cue look of utter horror here) I am not kidding about the cousin thing. I was hugging my favorite cousin, as we secretly mocked our family, and my grandpa implied that there was something creepy going on between us. I could have killed him! YUCK! Fricking old jerk. He said it while laughing, but that doesn't mean he wasn't serious, it just means he's a grumpy old a-hole. And a perv. (fumes) How disgusting.

Anyway...yes. What a fun plot! Oh, sure, so it's been done, that doens't mean it's not fantastic! I am so excited to read this. I hope you continue it until it's finished!

Reading on...
Lizsxa chapter 18 . 3/21/2007
AWESOME! This is a totaly amazing chapter! I can not wait for your next one!
kiralila chapter 17 . 3/21/2007
no offense but i think that part when the boss said that he's attracted to her came out very quickly...

i didn't even see it coming...

but i really like the fact that you are so creative.

i mean i never thought about brandon doing that!
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