Reviews for Dear Santa
Audwin chapter 1 . 8/7/2005
This letter to Santa seems to hold much emotion of the writer... or at least it seems that way. It extends to a point where it's not just a girl wants but a boy wants too - just make some of the words fit for a boy's point of view.

Everyone wishs for something, and sometimes, just wishing for it works but other times you have to work for it.
crzyderangedauthor chapter 1 . 7/12/2005
that's good, i like it
25ariel25 chapter 1 . 7/4/2005
So true, so true.
svonnah-la-fay chapter 1 . 3/4/2005
Wow! I haven't run across anything this inspiring and original and great in a long time! What a fabulous poem! Great idea!
arachibutyrophobia chapter 1 . 2/12/2005
Oh man, I think I've wished for about ninty nine percent of teddy bear. I'm personally fond of my Bookworm (I have such imaginative friends) but hey...whatever floats your boat, lol. U should make another one of New Year's Resolutions...;-)~birdytamel~
SilverBeliever chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
Hey this is way late but anyway Thank you for reviewing to my story Letter's anyway this was a great poem. and also I have a new story up if you want to read it. It's called Amazing grace.
Disgruntled Pen chapter 1 . 1/15/2005
That's really cute... and very true. I totally agree with everything. EVEN THE TEDDY BEAR THING! Hmm, it seemed like more of a prayer than a wish list, actually. Maybe you should've asked the J-man for those things, but I'm sure you did. ;)
Racquelin chapter 1 . 12/21/2004
I love it!
Twizzlers chapter 1 . 12/17/2004
That was fabulous. I liked the format of it a whole lot. It's unique and awesome. Definitely definitely so true. lol. I wish for all those things...One thing I noticed was you spelled patience wrong. I always point out spelling errors when I see them because they're easy to fix and correct spelling makes you look smarter. I'm really sorry about the death of that little girl, I read about it in your profile. I'll say prayers for you and her and her family. Thanks for leaving a review for my story. Keep writing, it may be a good way for you to deal with greif, ya know?Jesus loves
fresianlady chapter 1 . 12/8/2004
that is the best christmas list anyone has EVER come up with!. . .i want a teddy bear too. . . *sniff*
Ashley chapter 1 . 12/1/2004
this was great! I am totally with you on a lot of these things! Especially the guy lines!
Aurora Lavender chapter 1 . 11/30/2004
AWESOME!Some of this is exactly what I wish for. Especially all of the lines about the guy, totally with you on !
no one u kno chapter 1 . 11/30/2004
it was... thought provoking, to be truthful. Actually, I don't know if thats EVERY girls wishlist (i know some girls where there wishlist is as follows:lipstickweight loss patchfor (name) to like meto be MORE POPULAR

and we're talkin the popular ppl like beatches)But it certainly holds true to me, except for the tddybear part. I'm purfectly happy with my current teddy bear. :-)