Reviews for The Homeless Agenda
Oscar Brown chapter 2 . 3/31/2006
Great! Stunning even i really liked this you should create a series.
Sarrasanne chapter 2 . 9/24/2005
AARG! Tu Es Foutu means 'you are fucked/doomed'! not 'you promised me'! EEK! being french, i would know about these things, so trust me. in french, 'you promised me' is 'tu m'a promis'. i know your feeling of getting desperate for a review, so i am giving you one! i like this story, so i need an update. my story (The Hope, mystery, plz R&R) gets updated pretty much every day. i'm not boasting or anything, but this stuff is good! plz keep typingluv Isi
Silver-Dragon5 chapter 2 . 7/9/2005
A very emotionally charged chapter. I particularily like the personification of the fog and the dirtiness of the city.

Sarah is a deep and sweet character. Your unnamed man must have done something big to hurt her. I'm very interested in meeting him and I can't wait to find out what his crime was.

Silver-Dragon5 chapter 1 . 7/9/2005
What a stunning introduction! It is very catching and the description is adequately vivid. Your prologue really draws in my attention and makes me eager to know what has caused your unidentified character's downfall and her hatred for the unnamed boy. I'm definitely intrigued.

Bish chapter 2 . 4/28/2005
You've got a pretty interesting story going on, although sometimes it gets a bit confusing with the writing though!
Tequila-Art chapter 1 . 3/18/2005
very nice it is very good
Shuyan chapter 2 . 3/6/2005
I must say that this is one of the best stories ive ever read. Youre very good at story telling, it almost feels like your inside the story! If you have a chance can you check out my story Shade of darkness
Kieran Wolfe chapter 2 . 2/25/2005
Whoa... um, yeah. This was really good. You have a great vocabulary! This chapter was really good! I'll be checking frequently for the next!
Kieran Wolfe chapter 1 . 2/25/2005
AH! CRAZY! I mean, I'm crazy, but not like that! It's good, very mysterious! I like your writing! It makes me want to grab you and shake you until the rest just flies out of your head! J/K! (Told ya' I'm crazy!) Anyway, can't wait for more!
Marie chapter 2 . 1/28/2005
I want more!More damn you!Very good! I love the details in your story, and it goes at a very nice pace. Your spelling and gramar is a bouns as well!Thus,...Give ME MORE!
Dream of Reality chapter 2 . 1/12/2005
Interesting... you certainly have a talent for revealing small amounts of information. Just about anything could happen next. You've barely scratched the surface of what this story could be. Hopefully the next chapter or two will set the scene for the whole novel. And I like the idea of using another language for a chapter title. I may borrow that idea for a story I'm writing in a French city... I'm rambling. Good work here. Hopefully it will continue in the same vain.
Charles Knight chapter 2 . 12/29/2004
You should not be too concerned over word length; one would not expect something of this quality to be overally long. You have an unusual writing style - your writing seems almost distant at times but you manage to pull it off well. Keep up the writing, and remember that Rome was not built in a day. Writing takes time, effort and endless practice. If you understood any of this then at least one of us did.
Jacob chapter 1 . 12/9/2004
This creepy, and weird and very mysterious. I like it. I'm not sure whats happening yet, but thats cool. Your writing style is almost lyrical. Unique. Anyways great story, update!