Reviews for Hell Spent
PrincessGirl123 chapter 5 . 3/29/2009
Umm, all the reviews say your story is awesome, but every chapter says - On Hold -. When are you going to put the chapters back? Oh, and you can find me on fanfiction.
girl-of-the-darklings chapter 5 . 12/21/2006
i want more! this is reallyt good! take your time but please update soon!
SCAREDYcatSCRIBBLER chapter 5 . 11/22/2005
Ah! Hurry up! nxt chapter now! lol! am entranced by your magic!
Silent-Speaker920 chapter 4 . 10/15/2005
Its a good start. I hope you continue with the story. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work!
HauntedMisery chapter 5 . 6/11/2005
This is great, awesome work!
KELLY4SVS chapter 4 . 3/29/2005
hm.. much different from your other stories.. more mind orientated.. liking it so far. dunno why but the not able to speak thinghad its appeal. kepp writing.
KELLY4SVS chapter 2 . 3/29/2005
jess chapter 4 . 2/26/2005
this is just soo god...
mixchex chapter 1 . 2/26/2005
This is a really good story. Is it true? It's really sad but im curious of whats going to happen...Good job!
Lyarah chapter 5 . 2/25/2005
Hey, I like the story's beggining. Its twisted, but bah. When you feel well enough, I hope you update :) Sorry about your dog by the way :(
Lilypop chapter 4 . 2/25/2005
Lilypop chapter 3 . 2/25/2005
Creepy, yet good
dbz 77 chapter 2 . 1/25/2005
This is a great story and it has me hooked. Please update soon.
cariluv chapter 5 . 1/20/2005
This is good. Um, wow! I hope your computer gets fixed soon, and not for my own selfish benefit, either. :)
dreamingmaggie chapter 5 . 1/3/2005
seems very interesting...UPDATE SOON!
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