Reviews for Slice of Life
Murphy's Lawyer chapter 1 . 7/31/2006
looks okay to me. *grin*

see you.
Acts.of.Whimsy chapter 1 . 4/23/2006
hilo. i was lookin' 4 somthin 2 read n came across this. i like it! if u rote like a sequel r a chap. 2 i'd definitely read it. i also wanted 2 thank u 4 commenting on my poetry n ask once again if u'd review my latest poem. it's an attempted suicide called "Little Silver Bullet". would u mind? i hope not. but i do like this 1! k, catch ya l8ter!

djnelly chapter 1 . 8/7/2005
hey i think u should write more this is really good kinda harsh and in your face which is a welcome chnage. but if its going to ruin the good story and swing of it then don't cause its very good as it is. all in all i like it.
Hidden Depths chapter 1 . 6/25/2005
i really liked this story. I loved that the characters didnt follow a certain steriotype like how the popular guy turned out to be gay but the gay guy was not funny and lovable, he was still him. I also think that you did a really good job of just describing how her life was. The transition from talking about what was happening now and what happened during the play was a little confusing but besides that everything was really good. Keep up the good work
Ysabrylla Noakes chapter 1 . 6/11/2005
Hmm.. I just wanted to let you know that I read this and really enjoyed it. You did a very nice job. :)
Finding Tobias chapter 1 . 1/24/2005
I thought this was very good. I could relate to some of the stuff that happened. I really like the style of writing that this peice had.. it made it more personal... I also liked the part where she told him what she thought of him and the theme of 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.'
OneLitFirefly chapter 1 . 1/1/2005
loved it! write more! please!
fazzingaway chapter 1 . 12/14/2004
hey, i was just poking arounf looking for something to read when i stumbled on your work and thought i'd drop a review :) i really liked this piece. it was a little random at certain parts but on the whole, it was really nicely done. i liked the narrative voice in this and i loved how there was a lot of things that most people could relate too :) great piece of writing!
Klanfer chapter 1 . 12/13/2004
I loved 's really different to a lot of the stuff i usually read!Great work with just one thing i said up above that she used to write Mrs. Emily Harrison on her then you refer to him as Jake check that was the only thing i could find wrong!AWESOME 'z luvli