Reviews for This War of Ours
aninhas chapter 5 . 2/16/2010
you said the translations are listed on my space, well they must be well hidden from public view because I can't find them...
raebyddeT chapter 16 . 1/26/2010
A standing ovation! Great story - Well written, witty and unique ! Love this story very much ! Do keep writing, love your works ! Kudos for being an awesome writer ...)
Sanguineus chapter 16 . 1/23/2010
OMG I love this so much!

I have a hard time reconciling sadistic Moria and pregnant Moria too XD...he's just so...cute either way.
CinderellaWithCombatBoots chapter 16 . 9/7/2009
Oh my god. I really love a totally non-sexual way, haha :P That was amazing! I really loved it. I love Moria's character and how sweet and innocent he seems when really he's a little evil devil. They always make for the best sadists. But I love the story. I love...ok. I loved a lot. We'll make a list, shall we? Ok. So. Let's see...

I love...

Moria's character (his stubborness, his sadisticness, his desires)...

Blair's character...

Moria's torture :P...

Bradley's payback to that torture...

The nipple piercings that signify the bonding...

Pis Chumhra...although not so crazy on the name...

Torii's character...

I can't think of anything else. So. I loved all of those things. It's an amazing story with a solid plot and awesome characters.
SabraChey chapter 7 . 9/5/2009
Will the Reclaimer and Torii have a stori?

It'd be awesome if they do.

Kaida Nyghtwalker chapter 4 . 9/5/2009
You need to remember to put the translations of the language at the end of each chapter. It's annoying when you don't know what the hell they're saying.
Tinted Windows chapter 16 . 8/7/2009
I am inlove with your work. Sorry, I have read all your CRDP books and love them! This book was very good I very much enjoyed the idea of male pregnancy, and also i loved Moria's 'Mean side' and his sadistic grin!

I sometimes got confused about the time slip. How sometimes there would be minuits diffenece and others there were months. So i felt wernt very well stated but that may just be me.

p.s. I know this isant your daughters poem comment page but i thought i would fit it all into one review. I very much liked your daughters poem, it was realy good. I know thats not very discripive but i know very little about poetry. I just enjoyed... not sure thats the word, reading it.

Thanks and please keep writting!
Cinthia Annette chapter 16 . 7/9/2009
*Sqeal* AW! One of the best things I had read! I read it like three times! lol
12rct34 chapter 1 . 4/14/2009
I have read this story for a second time now and am surprised again about how much I like it considering that its subject matter is a little new to my tastes. You did an amazing job making me relate to the characters and empathize with them both in really interesting ways. Great job on that.
Dent chapter 16 . 4/3/2009
Thanks for a lovely story, it came highly recommended on aarinfantasy and I'm glad I read it.
DefineNightmare chapter 16 . 2/26/2009
I really love this story, and I hope I can read the other two stories with Torii and Lasa.

xD FAVS -goes into la la land-
NarutoVixin chapter 16 . 1/25/2009
your good at ending on cliff hangers lol makes me keep reading you
JeanNicole chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
Stupid me, I read Tainted Angel first, not realizing it was part of a set. But I loved it SO much, I'm really looking forward to reading this one, too!
Orio K chapter 16 . 11/23/2008
I totally loved reading this story. I'm failing chemistry because I couldn't stop reading it! (JK)

It's really cool how you throw the typical top/bottom steriotypes for a loop, what with Bradly getting tied up all the time. I love Moria's sadistic streak, lol.

I'm excited to read "Tainted Angel." poor Lasa.
QueenCasey chapter 1 . 9/12/2008
Please get this story up again soon! No rush. I've already read it. I love it by the way. It's so good.
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