Reviews for Every Man for Himself
Ahemait chapter 1 . 3/16/2005
-poke- you're being mean. youre completely abanoning me and it's depressing. you're never online, you stupid bitch! -still wailing when throwing paper that reads 'read 'when youre not looking' or die' on it-
Seere Shadowstar chapter 1 . 3/14/2005
it's not bad, it seems to be a little uneven at times... it flows very nicely and then it's slightly jolting. it adds to the effect though so it works well. nice job.
ta1nt3d1uv chapter 1 . 2/21/2005
I like it. Very nice imagery. The "Hey, shit happens" reminds me of one of my friends, hehe. :-)
Clap Clap Raise Your Hands chapter 1 . 2/20/2005
I love this, especially "shit happens" - it's sometmies hard to place swear words in poems and make sure that they fit in well but this works VERY well, keep up the good work and please review me if you have some time x weasel within x
mizu no kokoro chapter 1 . 2/11/2005
wow, this is intense~~this is gonna be a series yes? keep writing I hope to read more soon!
envy me chapter 1 . 1/26/2005
great job, i had to read it a few times to get it but hey . . . shit happens lol but this is good write another poem you are good at it !
candycorn22 chapter 1 . 1/15/2005
nice job, a poem that sounds like it's actually the end of the world. in a situation like the one(s) you describe, i think we pretty much would be on our own, or 'every man for himself'
Ahemait chapter 1 . 1/11/2005
ah! apolcolytz! (i spelled that wrong...) nice imagery and an all around coolness poe,\m. suggestion: change 'are you out there' to 'hey, are you out there' but that's just my crazy mind! toodles...oh and just for you...sir!
swift sky silver chapter 1 . 1/10/2005
AH!... wait... i'm dead, what do i care? haha, i know, it's not supposted to be funny, it's just a weird thought that randomly popped up in my head. i like the idea you chose. keep writing 0)
Tempered Soul chapter 1 . 1/10/2005
great use of language. I like this sort of poetry