Reviews for Broken Promises
Shivawn chapter 1 . 5/4/2005
::cries:: that is so heart-wrenching in the feelings and in the heart, obviously _

You are a great writer, Cherry! I love the way you write, the way you express your feelings in such great ways! _
from beneath the bell jar chapter 1 . 3/26/2005
i love the rhyme scheme here and the meaning of the poem... very good... although you did spell something wrong: you spelled it 'breath' as in a breath instead of 'breathe' as in to breathe and it mixed me up with the rhyming at first but other than that it was really good. *on my fav list*
Michiyo Fujiwara chapter 1 . 2/10/2005
Heh. Let's all look at life pessimisitcally shall we? Anyway, good poem. Broken promises, broken lies, is the part that really hit home with me. As well as, "You will get broken, if you believe" Kinda an interesting outlook on life. one that can be true at portrayed very well in this poem. I like this one a lot.
Out-Of-Reality chapter 1 . 2/8/2005
Defenitely a feeling lingering inside me now. I really like the way you are with words, like it makes your outlook on life seem important and something more then the usual. I defenitely like it and look forward to more!
Chalynka chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
This is awesome! I liked it... it gives off a vibe that I can't rlly descibe. Anyways good job!
doomedbygenetics chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
wow,this is really good,really,i like this alot