Reviews for Coincidences |
kick my teeth in chapter 5 . 3/6/2005 This is a very pretty story. I hope they end up together. Jeesh, Reid is such a cutie. Damn his lover for being a hardass. |
Nothing Profound chapter 5 . 3/6/2005 I love this so very much! I now get down on my knees and beg for an update.. !FlowingQuill |
Lirael chapter 5 . 3/5/2005 Joel is sweet. He was pissed yeah, but not enough to take it out on Reid. [Although he's probably used to it...] Very nice. |
cherise chapter 5 . 3/4/2005 aw! i was so mad at reid, for getting joeli in trouble, but since Joel isn't mad, neither am i! His mother's rection was strange, but seemingly fitting, more realistic, y'know? But his roomates are arses, how could they not believe him, just because they dont want to? because he makes it pretty clear most of time, that he and reid aren't together. they seem like closet cases to me, anyway, lol! but anyways, great job! hope you update soon! |
Liebe Sasa chapter 5 . 3/2/2005 Cute. Yes, cute. ~Sasa |
FamousOneLiners chapter 5 . 3/2/2005 such total sweetnesslove it to itty bitty bitshehe and emos cool :) |
Kakiryu chapter 5 . 3/1/2005 Whoa. awesome. I love Reid! He's cool. I'm still kinds wondering about Joel Though. I mean, I'm all 'Man, Joel's so mean!', but I still love him, ya know? Write more, write soon, just write. Ciao. |
fbarlolken chapter 5 . 3/1/2005 My gods. I love this story. Like most everyone else who've read it. Poor Reid. For some reason, I feel bad for him. [“Yeah. But you know you love it.” He pushed me back playfully and kissed my forehead. “Shut up.”] Aw... they are so cute. Update soon, won't you? ::hops:: I wanna know what happens! Arkensi |
sharpieyum chapter 5 . 3/1/2005 this story is mad awesome! let me just say now, it is super spiffy. reid is definitely a colorful character, makes the story very interesting, and joel is just so clueless in his actions sometimes, its adorable. oh yea, and update soon. _ |
Jasper Sky chapter 5 . 2/28/2005 Originally, I was going to comment on how much longer it took you to update, but then I realized... it was only a week and a half or so. And that's actually a very good update time. So please allow me a second to kick myself in the head for being spoiled. *ahem* That said, congratulations on another brilliant, funny chapter. I especially love the way Joel didn't exactly deny it when Reid said, "You know you love it." Absolutely adorable. Joel's mom isn't as bad as she could be; at least she keeps him well-fed. She can't exactly kick him out of the house, either. Not a bad situation at all, if you ask me. Once again, wonderful job on this chapter. I hope you post another one soon. I rather enjoyed being spoiled... |
Novicane chapter 5 . 2/28/2005 I love this story. Like, seriously. I was going to say something useful, but it ran away. |
Rojo Gato chapter 5 . 2/28/2005 Yay! You updated! I really missed this story. It's so much fun to read! You should totally become an author or somethin'. Joel's funny. _ |
paris train chapter 5 . 2/28/2005 lol, jewish mothers are hilarious! and Reid is just too freaking cute. I love him so much. Joel is getting better with every chapter. :) hopefully sometime soon he'll realize what an awesome guy Reid is and they can make out or something, lol. this story rocks. pls update again soon! :) |
PassionObsession chapter 5 . 2/27/2005 They are too cute together. Really. Just. Too. Cute. Not that I'm complaining of course. Great chapter. I especially loved the part about Jewish mothers and food. My mother is the epitome of a 'Jewish mother' so I can definitely feel Joel's pain/joy. The amount of food in my house is only slightly insane, but it's too good to really complain. Anyway, I can't wait until you update again, especially since Joel seems to finally finally be more comfortable around Reid- they might actually get some action eventually! Hehe, update soon! |
subtleline chapter 5 . 2/27/2005 This is one of the most hilarious things i have EVER read. And the fact that some of it (some of the funniest parts) is based on reality. Thank you soo much for writing this. It brightened my month. Hilarious! |