Reviews for Coincidences |
magalina chapter 7 . 2/19/2007 ;_; Amazing. I loved it! I gotta read the other part now! It took me such a long time to come around and read it... And it was awesome! Great work! |
through-the-motions chapter 3 . 2/16/2007 First, I love how you make them sing songs from Rent. Love that. xD Second, I love Reid so much. I wish someone like that would attach themselves to me. Can't wait to see what happens next! |
Emotional Scene chapter 7 . 2/11/2007 This should definately be a movie |
Zoius and the Devil chapter 7 . 1/17/2007 i. loved. it. it was funny and cute and awesome. great writing too. just...amazing job. im off to go check your profile for more fics like this. |
dawn's unforgiving darkness chapter 7 . 1/1/2007 aw irish guys are so fricken hot! like the guy from the phantom of the oprahh...m yummy |
Amie chapter 1 . 12/26/2006 'pulled my keys out of his pocket.' That was just beautiful. I laughed so hard. |
a.s. bygones chapter 7 . 12/2/2006 Cute cute story. I liked Reid's character a lot, though I'm wondering about his past. Would say more, but I've gotta run to a concert. |
Hyacinthe Wing chapter 7 . 11/25/2006 Aww. So bittersweet. I luv Reid. Joel is such a dork, though. He needs to quit it with the angst and the angry stuff. (pats Reid). There there. Someday Joel will be a not-dork. And all will be shibby. Yaay! |
Hyacinthe Wing chapter 6 . 11/25/2006 This is the sad part. :( Reid has to go, for Joel, he is teh meanies. Wah! But it ends up okay. (nods). Poor Reid. His soulmate is so grumpy. I still *love* the characterization of Reid. Joel comes off as more of an observer, even though he's the narrator, whenever Reid is around. It's cute. Hooray. |
Hyacinthe Wing chapter 5 . 11/25/2006 Aw. Moms who are homophobes are t3h sill3h. Reid is hawt. Also lovable. Joel is sad. :( Poor Joel. |
Hyacinthe Wing chapter 4 . 11/25/2006 Aw. Cute. Lovely party. Wish *I* could've gotten completely plastered at my dad's funeral. Actually, I'm still sort of wanting to get really plastered. Odd, given that I've never had alcohols, but... it seems so... recreational. Like the right thing to do. Meh. Anyways, Joel is love, Reid is love, and Nelson is an annoying pervert. Ick. Porn. (shifty eyes) Um, I really probably shouldn't be talking... Shutting up now. |
Hyacinthe Wing chapter 3 . 11/25/2006 Omgbrblolzbbq~! I love Reid. I LOVE Reid. Excellent characterization. Excellent tipping over of the lobster tank. On a sadder note, my dad died very recently. I only *wish* his funeral had been more like a party, because he was the best person ever, even better than Reid. (sighs) Well, gotta keep moving on. Anyway, if I remember the party scene correctly, there is much alcohols, so I wouldn't have had much fun anyway, seeing as how I'm too young to drink. |
Hyacinthe Wing chapter 2 . 11/25/2006 Yes! I love the breaking-and-entering into Joel's bedroom done by Reid. It is LOVE. Especially because Joel is so... GRARGPUNCHYOUINTHEFACE! And Reid is so AW snuggles. (blinks) Wow. It's like my sister is Joel and I'm Reid, except without the romance. That is a really weird realization to be having. WHOA. As ever, I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING REID. He is probably the most wunnderful charrie EVAR. On to chapter three! |
Hyacinthe Wing chapter 1 . 11/25/2006 *does a nervous dance* I read this a long time ago but I didnae review. Now I am returned. For lo, verily I am all in love with the Reid. I loved this first chapter. I love Reid. I love *you*. In a non-creepy way. ... XD. What a character! What an entrance! What a charming use of first-person narrative to show us all how grumpy our dear honeybutt is. On to chapter two. |
another-happy-ending chapter 7 . 11/19/2006 yay! That was fantastic! Yay! Loved it! Cant wait for more! |