Reviews for eden
n chapter 27 . 2/17/2008
n chapter 13 . 2/17/2008
"thin & raspy, like sand paper melodies"

EmbersAblaze-IgnitedIcicle chapter 4 . 10/30/2006
truth hurts sometimes, but usually after the lies are uncovered.

lies themselves are destructive (my mind tripped over the word "seductive" and drew a blank...) but it is harder to release your current reality, especially IF IT IS defined by someone else.

and one more thing: you always KNOW when you're lied to, we ALL feel it and that is a subconscious pain; we must let go of it.
Renss chapter 9 . 8/12/2006
Well, it looks like you've probably got enough reviews to tell you what you need to know, and usually when I see a poem with five bazillion reviews I skip adding my own two cents.

But I liked this so much that I'm going ahead and reviewing it anyways. This (chapter nine) and chapter before two of my favorites. Although I also liked the fascination with knives. And, you know, the rest of it. This is a great piece.
these travels chapter 1 . 7/20/2006

i loved this.
Margot Tenenbaum chapter 27 . 2/28/2006
this is amazingly beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.i can really connect to the character of eden, though thankfully, my life isn't as...extreme as her' your chapters are short, they're very writing.
HellHeartedlyBent chapter 27 . 11/14/2005
im speechless. breathtaken. this is so wonderfully filled with all sorts of imagery, and poetic to the last drop of digital ink. amazing. i cannot wait for an update. adding this to the favs
blossomed blooms chapter 9 . 10/18/2005
When I look in the mirror, after an outpour, I cannot believe how pretty I always look (to myself). My eyes sparkle, are clear, my face has healthy "color" to it and my face is neutralized.

I love this chapter because in any time of desperation, I've hidden it (especially then) yet my words/actions betray me inevitably.

where did you go? this delicate discord/fix you up/and flowers? yes I've been noticing. you. besides your work. why did you flee fiction press? or more likely, what is your newer ID.

Because true writers always write, it's part of everything they know, and they cannot- will not stop- for anyone- anything- any reason. maybe just make an appearance? see the reception!
a headless butterfly chapter 27 . 10/1/2005
you are brillant. this is beyond gorgeous.
AboveTheSalt chapter 27 . 9/25/2005
this story steals all my words. i feel it, i feel it so much, i understand it, this is beautiful. please finish it, i'm absolutely shocked. i'm amazed. this is brilliant beyond words. favorites. of course.

EmbersAblaze-IgnitedIcicle chapter 3 . 9/18/2005
this chapter describes the daily life of my best girl-friend ever.

i just wanted to review one of your chapters to commemorate the fact that: out of 358 reviews written,

you were my very first! the first chapter of eden. got me out of my shell enough to speak. to someone.

about their soul on "paper". thank you. whoever you are. wherever you went. and i guess, wherever you'll go next.

bonne chance. no au revoir.
EmbersAblaze-IgnitedIcicle chapter 27 . 8/28/2005
"sitting and staring when there was nothing. feeling so incomplete and searching for the one last piece that would make her happy. (happy? Was it a stretch, or could this really be what she wanted?) so many promises that she had broken. hurting so badly but feeling so numbed" plus the high tide reference. is so real. is why i'm sitting up all night tonight, actually.
candyratt chapter 27 . 8/20/2005

I found this on someone's favorites and...

Gosh, you're an amazing writer. The story is so numb and complex and emotional...

Keep writing!
Sarah-Brighteyes chapter 27 . 8/6/2005
Youever read something and just feel liek crying...well thats what this chapter did to me.

The end?

The finishing line, so sad... so numb...nothing learned or seemed like a circle that ended.

I did like this piece though. You are a brilliant writer. Will there be more to this? or was that the grande finale (it would work). I was glad to read something that was worth reading, sometimes on fic press its hard to find something that keeps my attention. So thank you for the thinking and entertainment. Bravo to you for such writing...keep it up...

Sarah-Brighteyes chapter 26 . 8/6/2005

quiet moment where things start to unravel is nice...not dramatic, but almost peaceful... like the beginings before an earthquake... the last chap
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