Reviews for Taken Anna
Astrid4564 chapter 47 . 7/29/2005
Hey- I thought this was really good. It made my heart ache. I really hoped that Siobhan and Cassie would live. I like how you didn't leave the story when Cassie died though. Although I wish that Reggie had been caught, this story depicts the all too real and frightening legal system. Great story. Really wreaked at my emotions.

the-beautiful-tragedy chapter 47 . 4/9/2005
i loved this story from beginning to end. its so sad though, i had hoped that siobhan would live and get reggie. so sad. but it was really really goof.
Madcow13 chapter 47 . 3/23/2005
Finally finished. I was a little dissapointed you didn't take the Siobhan idea further. You added a nice twist to the end though. Unexpected to say the least.

Anyway, great work. Hope you update your other stories as swiftly as this, now I don't have this to read anymore.
JojoAnn chapter 47 . 3/23/2005
VERY good story. I read the whole thing last night. It is sad she dies though. Really really good! You're very good at writing and I hope I can find time to read some more of your stories. This whole story grabbed my attention all the way through and I just couldn't stop reading it. I usually don't read this type of story either so I just had to comment and say it was great.
Madcow13 chapter 44 . 3/21/2005
Aw, at least Siobhan is alright. Let's hope she gets to the police. I'm guessing there are a few chapters left, right? And we could see what happens to Reggie as well and what he does with the letters, e.t.c.
Madcow13 chapter 42 . 3/20/2005
Is it over? I think we should have a chapter with Reggie's thoughts in. We also need to find out what happened to Siobhan. So, hopefully update with another few chapters soon.
the-beautiful-tragedy chapter 42 . 3/19/2005
holy hell! oh no, not cassie. i wanted her to live so bad and tell the cops on reggies sorry ass. well all i can say i hope this isnt the end...i want reggie to still get what he deserves.
Madcow13 chapter 41 . 3/19/2005
Reggie really needs a hard kick up the backside and of course, a good old torturing.

Anyway, I particullary enjoyed this chapter and I liked the way you showed Ella and Cassie trying to be brave. I wasn't exactly shocked by Ella's death (I guessed it from the chapter title) but I was saddened. Ella was a good character and even though you didn't write that much about her, her letters made her very real.

Anyway, I'll finish with the usual: update asap.
Madcow13 chapter 38 . 3/16/2005
Another two touching letters. Keep it up.
Madcow13 chapter 36 . 3/13/2005
I think this letter is the saddest. They have both written letters naming things that they regret, but this one seems to be very real- especially with the mention of favourite sibling. I only have one sibling so I can't exactly play favourites. That is hardly the point though. Anyway, we should be expecting four more letters, right?
Madcow13 chapter 34 . 3/12/2005
Two more touching letters. Good work.
Madcow13 chapter 31 . 3/10/2005
Did you put the Libby one in after or am I just stupid? I'll settle for the latter...

It's crazy how one small desicion could so dramatically change things. But that's the way the world works, I guess.

Update ASAP.
Madcow13 chapter 32 . 3/9/2005
Another touching letter. Can we expect one to Libby as well?
Madcow13 chapter 30 . 3/9/2005
Touching letters. Are you going to write them to her sisters?
thebeautifultragedy chapter 30 . 3/8/2005
that guy is one crazy bastard. poor cassie and ella...
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