Reviews for I Can't Write an Essay
Midori chapter 1 . 9/22/2006
I applaud your skill and your spunk. Bravo.
Mr Crane chapter 1 . 3/24/2006
I know this is very old, but I stumbled upon it and had to rview. This essay sounds like it could have been written by me (except I'm not this good a writer). Great job. I too loathe any time teacher's ask for personal feelings in class. What does that have to do with school anyway?
joshua chapter 1 . 12/14/2005
This is quite intriguing. I think it is a good essay. I don't know what your professor will think.
Camdizzle chapter 1 . 11/29/2005
This is really good! Hope you got a good grade on it! It is an invasion of privacy!
mothling chapter 1 . 10/4/2005
This is...hilarious, and so true. I hate writing about myself, it IS an invasion of privacy, especially because what right does my evil English teacher to know when I've felt 'trapped'? Oh, yeah, that was the essay we were supposed to write most recently. What a crock of sh*t, that.

Besides and especially for me, I hate writing about myself for fear I will get thrown into counseling.

What grade did you get? It better have been good. This was AWESOME.
Sarrasanne chapter 1 . 9/24/2005
I know you wrote this LONG time ago, but i so feel that we share at least that much in common. paragraphs 4&5 are the best, i can really relate to Isi
Jane Precious chapter 1 . 8/14/2005
very good. I like. Yess it was very deep but i like things like that
Allman chapter 1 . 8/13/2005
I like it! Powerful and moving. I'd say it's very personal (with all the "I" statements, and emotional words such as "tucked in", "feel nothing" "always lie" "fantasies") I can't stop the list, the whole essay is fairly emtionally weighted. And all leading to the resolution of creating oneself; magnificent!

Maybe satire would be close to an accurate description?
ta1nt3d1uv chapter 1 . 2/19/2005
I feel your pain. Teachers shouldn't ask us to write about ourselves, there should be a law or something. Last year I had to make a "portfolio" about myself with MANY essays about me in it. I pretty much had to make everything up. That's an invasion of privacy. Hope you get a reasonable grade on this!
OneLitFirefly chapter 1 . 2/6/2005
I loved it! haha.. Did your professor like it?

Sorry I haven't had a chance to review any sooner.. I've been terribly busy and I haven't been on fictionpress in a while. But I did get the email when you reviewed one of my fics, and had I had the time, I would have reviewed your work a lot sooner.

You did very well writing this though.. I can totally relate.
Catsupracus chapter 1 . 2/1/2005
I like it! _
infamously-anonymous chapter 1 . 2/1/2005
I love this, I have the same problem, why do teachers have to know about us anyway? "As long as I can lie, I don’t have to see the truth." Lovely sentence there, do you write poetry?