Reviews for It started with a Deal
amethyst-y chapter 3 . 11/27/2010
Totaly love it! You need to update!
Everlasting Dreams chapter 3 . 7/15/2010
Hey youu((: UPDATE ! It's been forever since your last update, and if your doing that, please update All Along too((:

AND, I hope I didn't sound mean or anything, it's just I realay like your stories so yeahh.. I'm not forcing you or anything, I just want to read the whole thing((:
MelodieCC chapter 3 . 6/2/2010
update? please? and your other stories too! you're too good of a writer to stop... :)
MelodieCC chapter 2 . 6/2/2010
this story is exciting! :)
MelodieCC chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
this is only the first chapter and it sounds perfect! i love it already!
Ederra chapter 3 . 5/28/2010
I really like the tension and the bickering in this. I think you've developed Kat's and Adrien's personality really well. The pace of the story is really good, not too fast and not too slow. And the speech is hilarious.

I hope you update soon.

tea.bags chapter 3 . 4/5/2010
hey...really like this story...csnt wait to see wat happens...i see u havent updated in like 5 yrs...oh well, please try nd update soon :)
DawnAwakens chapter 3 . 4/4/2010
Basically, I'm in love with your story and I'd SO appreciate it if you oculd please update... I mean it has been 5 years. Why is it that whenever I find a nice, interesting story... the author hasn't updated for like years lmao.

:( Please, for my sake, and for the sake of your other fans! PLEASE UPDATE!
KairiSR18 chapter 3 . 3/3/2010
OMg please update, this is really good. Im in complete suspence right now. Kya I wanna know what happens next! LOl... Keep up the great work.
KairiSR18 chapter 2 . 3/3/2010
I really liked this chapter too. I liked the way it came out, you're a natural at it. Its turning out pretty well... keep up the good work... Oh and btw, Im starting to like Adrien, his arrogant attitude is cute. LOl
KairiSR18 chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
This is amazingly good. I love it, keep on writting. *Thumbs Up*
Daffodilia chapter 1 . 2/4/2010
Garneau chapter 3 . 12/31/2009
Well I have to agree with people who have commented. Please update. The story has really good and natural flow.

You really seem to have a skill for dialogue and human body language and it's reactions to certain situations.

I was a bit shocked by Adrien outburst about Katrina accusing him of being a pedophile. For some reason his out breaks don't make him seem as arrogant as you maybe had planned. His sensitvity about being accused of something (by a complete stranger) seems to break the facade of him being really stuckup. In my perspective I would have thought being as arrogant as he is, he wouldn't have been as pissed off about Katrina's opinion as he was. I'm really interested to see where you take the ploline.

Anyway I do really love this story. I hope you intend to return to it eventually. I think it would make quite a few people happy (me included).

imissyouquiteterribly chapter 3 . 12/28/2009
update this soon! i really like it, and i love katrina's character.
katie chapter 1 . 11/9/2009
oh cmon i love this story. but it seems like it is discontinued...forever -insert very sad smiley here-

this story is amazing and it is a great loss that it just lays here when so many people would like to hear more. and so many new people would be happy to read.

please, please, get to this story one day and finish it.

i know, youre probably not in mood writting this story, most of the ideas are forgotten, no muse for writting this story. but please, at least try, for us that are addicted to this story.

please, please, please get back to it...and maybe finish it one day?

pretty, pretty please update.

you are a great author. your language and style is good. your characters seem real. your plot is addicting.

so here i am begging. please finish this story one day.

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