Reviews for It started with a Deal
crimson7319 chapter 1 . 2/6/2005
I LOVE IT! this is really good, and i actually laughed at some parts. please update soon! i am sick and i need SOMETHING to do. - Ja Ne.
Ashley chapter 1 . 2/6/2005
The characters are really goo... why haaven't you updated your other story. Its been forever. Update this one and your other story ASAP
Lady Nyght chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
Awesome chapter and idea! I like Adrian!(did I spell it right?) and of course Katrina! Can't wait for the next chapter!
sweetxinsincerity chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
this is a really good start. i cant wait to know what happens because it sounds like it is gonna get very interesting...i like how u switched povs btw her and adrien. update soon!
Thatgirlmaya chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
wow i love this story, very original and different. definately keep writing! i want to kno how it works out and who he really is!
fairy pwincess chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
If adrien is as hot as chad Michael Murray then I sure as hell would like to meet him! LOL. Anyways, update soon cos this fic is great! x ~*fairy pwincess*~ x
raniaur chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
Go ON! This is soo cool. I haven't read a story like this in some time. Iteresting. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!
a fan chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
oh...i like...adrien sounds really hot! lol. anyways, its well written like ur other story...just make sure u update soon, cuz i cant wait to see what happens next! btw, i like how u did both povs, which, tho it can get annoying, works if u just do it a little, cuz it gave ur characters 'more life' and lets u understand what is going on a little more-just dont do it all of the time!
Crazy Wynona chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
THis is great! Cheers! Another awesome story!
LilLaTLuv chapter 1 . 2/5/2005

It's great! I love this story! Already sounds very interesting! UPDATE SOON! And I liked the alternating point of views. I don't expect it all the time, but sometimes is good.

Luv ya,Tashi :)
Raging Libra chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
Oh, I like this. You have a few mistakes in there, but this is a really good story. The characters are great. I think they're perfect for this. I wouldn't tell ya to change a thing about them. Anywayz, update soon!
RoseMcCann chapter 1 . 2/5/2005
Lol, I loved your descriptions. Very realistic sounding. And I'm curious as to what exactly is going on with Adrien. He sounds... intriguing... and cute... Katrina looks like she'll be an intresting main character, btw. A wonderful start.

That was a short chapter? You're gonna make me feel guilty. That'd be average for me, lol.

There were a few spelling errors/typos that were a little distracting, and a couple of times you switched verb tenses. Nothing major...

Has this motivated you yet, lol? I'm looking forward to the next update already. I can't wait to see where you go with this. You seem to have a good balance between description, dialogue and action, which is really nice. Anyway, a great first chapter!
city-gal7 chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
I usually am not one for drama...but this could be intresting! please update
hiphiphurray chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
Interesting start, a bit clichéd with the whole nerdy girl and hot guy, but hey, im a sucker for clichés so no complaining here. D

Nice so far, keep the chappies comming!
PassionObsession chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
This is intriguing! Can't wait to hear more! Update soon!
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