Reviews for It started with a Deal
i-wish-i-had-wings chapter 3 . 9/12/2009
please tell me you're going to continue this story?
katie chapter 3 . 7/30/2009
i want to read more!
katie chapter 3 . 7/30/2009
i want to read more!
Nandhu chapter 1 . 7/24/2009
hey! Can u plz update more?
Mariposa-12 chapter 3 . 6/15/2009
Come On! Your last update for this story was in '07! I hope you plan on updating it this year PLEASE i like your style and this story, it seems pretty funny and different, so please update! Thanks
chocolatechipash chapter 3 . 6/7/2009
wow, this story is amazing, i really really hope you update this and all along. im loving it already, it has great potential. hmm cant wait to meet this jared, another love triangle maybe?
Kimberly Beckwith chapter 3 . 6/7/2009
I loved it cant wait to read more!
cul gurl chapter 3 . 5/21/2009

once you read the first three chapters

you get so addicted that you have to start reading it all over again

and all over again

and you feel so desperate you cant read the whole story, the complete story,

please i need at least the hope that this is going to be finished one day

cul gurl chapter 3 . 5/21/2009
cmon keep writing!

It started with a Deal is the best story ever!

we all love this!
cul gurl chapter 3 . 5/21/2009
Keep writing!

I luv this story!

Its better than the best!
AMCs chapter 3 . 4/11/2009
i love this story. Please write more.
daling chapter 3 . 3/20/2009
PLEASE update
Mike Hunt chapter 3 . 1/24/2009
I love this to they actually learn to like each other or fall in love?
ElusiveConquest chapter 1 . 1/11/2009
oh. my. god.

you HAVE to continue this! its so addicting!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/2/2008
awesome, but you're never going to update are you? rather disappointing, it stopped right at the climax ish place before they get to know each other. and I'll never know her reaction to the extremely rich formal ball thingie!
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