Reviews for Stealing Madison
underrated liar chapter 32 . 7/24/2006
you...can'! you just can't. i've read your story in less than two days, and you can't just NOT have the sequel up. i love the characters you created, and it was their faults that made them all the more believable. i love everything about them...even bitchy everly played a role here. there are no pointless clichés and the like.

you've made me fall in love with your story, and you just have to satiate my hunger with the sequel NOW. how didn't she open the envelope that night? how come? god. look at me. hysterical. it's all your fault. because i love your story. because it actually has a point without being cliché. because we all love madison. because, honestly, jason's perfection. come on, "you complete me"? i would've run to him. and that's sad, because he's fictional. lol. i think i've gushed enough. just have to tell me when there's the sequel. of course i'll have you on alert from now on. everything. have a nice vacation and all that. D hahah.

happy day.

Amber chapter 32 . 7/19/2006
Hi..i read ur chapter..and i was wondering was that the ending? or there is still more?
hellokittygirl chapter 15 . 7/18/2006
Unfortunately, I like Nathan better. Is that a bad thing? Ooh shitt.
eyesofahuntress chapter 32 . 7/18/2006
Aw, not a completely happy ending, but still quite satisfying and ensuring a dreamy sigh from me... man, the ticket thing was bitter sweet...

Am looking forward to the sequel (?)

Cheers and keep writing oh brilliant author-girl! Mwahz!

eyesofahuntress chapter 31 . 7/18/2006
Wahahaha, no one can resist chocolate! Aw... I am sorry that this story is drawing to a close... I find it really humorous, touching and everything a good romance should be... plus, I digress, I love bad boys. Man, your story just hit my mark...

Wonderful chapter... love Jason...

Cheers and keep writing, my lovely~

eyesofahuntress chapter 30 . 7/18/2006
Wow, long time since I last reviewed this story, and I'm trying hard to remember what's happened... still, this was a brill chappie as usual... oh I hope things are all good in the end... ahah, isn't Madison surprised now that Jason just climbed up the ladder?


Cheers and keep writin'

beth is chill chapter 32 . 7/14/2006
Uhm.. When were you plannign on the sequal!
SloanePeterson chapter 32 . 7/6/2006
Wow, sweet. love this story.
Heth chapter 32 . 7/4/2006
O_O NO! Where the fuck is the rest of it?


*Cries* I want to see them together...
Heth chapter 20 . 7/4/2006
" grey boxers, which were a puddle on the floor, just covering his bits."

Please GOD change that. "bits"? EW chapter 32 . 6/26/2006
yay! i hope you write a sequel! it made me so sad when maddie opened the envelope to find the ticket! -tears up- gah...
silliegurl789 chapter 15 . 6/26/2006
SloanePeterson chapter 3 . 6/23/2006
Awesome story, it's really funny. thanks. -sloane
Elizabeth Rivers chapter 32 . 6/21/2006
OH YAY! You are a truly gifted writer...this was by far my FAVORITE story I have read on Fictionpress ever. And I'm NOT just saying that!

"You complete me."...that had me literally tearing up! BRAVO

I absolutely LOVED this story and I can't wait for the sequel! you should honestly consider getting it published!

I this story!

All the best,Liz
goodbyemylover chapter 32 . 6/10/2006
wow! i loved, loved, loved this! update soon!
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