Reviews for My Personal Problem
zagato chapter 27 . 12/7/2020
Wonderful story!
Guest chapter 42 . 12/17/2014
Guest chapter 23 . 11/8/2013
AriTakahashi chapter 42 . 5/21/2013
I LOVED IT! What an amazing story! You should totally publish this!
Liz chapter 42 . 3/17/2013
Hello there. I can't remember if I've ever written a review for this story or not, but I figure it's time I did.

So... I discovered this story... at least two years ago, if not more. I really can't tell you how many times I have read it. I keep coming back to it whenever I'm in the mood for a romance or when I'm feeling down or when I just feel like reading something but don't know what to read. It's one of my few go-to stories. Thank you for writing this!
AnonymousReads chapter 42 . 2/5/2013
Umm I think you made a mistake somewhere because the beggining talks about her killing herself again at age 24 but at the end she is 19-20 and really happy. I really don't understand it so please pm me and explain that. Other than that I liked reading it and hope its not a case of stocklom syndrome. Great story. :)
star95 chapter 42 . 1/21/2012
I absolutely love this story it is really good and I stayed up most of the night to read it!

well done! :)
Binkybaby chapter 42 . 7/11/2011
I loved it. It was so beautiful. Lol. Loved it. No joke.
Lilyonalillypad chapter 42 . 10/9/2010
Great & amazing story. Thank you so much for writing it, I enjoyed it a lot :)
M.S.S92 chapter 42 . 7/31/2010
Great story
Aradia Cloud chapter 33 . 2/20/2010
I bet she's pregnant. Hee hee hee... that would be awesome.
Aradia Cloud chapter 29 . 2/20/2010
Oh, oh, What's gonna happen? What is she gonna hear?
Aradia Cloud chapter 28 . 2/20/2010
Adelle is getting on my nerves. Like, just suck it up, yanno? I think I'm gonna have a prob with her in this story unless her character changes.
WithEveryReason chapter 42 . 2/3/2010
Twins! I love happy endings.
WithEveryReason chapter 17 . 2/3/2010

I'm starting to get into it.
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