Reviews for Unspoke
izzy chapter 1 . 3/7/2005
good...but you've done better...its a pretty gud poem, but it didn't really have... umm... a like... how would u say?... a soul? mayb?
Limerick Foo chapter 1 . 2/25/2005
...Didn't like. Not the structure, you just chose really weird places to break it. Example: I think "all i see" should really be on the same line. The thoughts connect to each other, breaking them apart causes the mind to spasm. It sorta needs the verb in there. Of course, if spasming that was your intention... I shut up.

Btw, Wolef, I'm spending your $5 on the Darren Hayes CD, mmkay?
TheAngelofhope chapter 1 . 2/24/2005
It was ok, and the structure thing is nice. :)