Reviews for Midnight Silhouette
Ahemait chapter 5 . 3/9/2005
okay, i'm sick of reviewing each chapter, so yeah. i'll review at the very end.
Ahemait chapter 4 . 3/9/2005
the vampires were eating a meal? ookay, whatever. good, sort of shhort, chapter
Ahemait chapter 3 . 3/8/2005
still loving it! but cured the acursed (yes i actually just said, cure the acursed) timing. i must fly again. i'll get through all of this, of course, because it's excellent. -damns other people that don't review- why must people review only shitty stuff! i love this, but no one (practically) else had read it! how horrible
Ahemait chapter 2 . 3/8/2005
wow, i'm REALLy starting to like this. unlike some/most writers that write stories, this one actually keeps me reading and enjoying it. no grammar mistakes i can find and i love the names you choose 'artese and dante and christian' very good. onward!
Ahemait chapter 1 . 3/8/2005
i haven't finished reading this yet, because i'm in school and i ca't!, but it's really good. it's one of thoses things you just want to keep reading because you want to find out what's going on. i haven't seen any grammar errors, so that's good. and later i promise i'll finsih this chapter and all the others. great writing.
Fragile Mind chapter 12 . 3/7/2005
I love this story, much like I love all of your work! This is so...beautiful, and Braden's emotions are so genuine. Keep it up!
TheAngelofhope chapter 1 . 2/28/2005
This is some really nice stuff. Hope you keep up the good work.
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