Reviews for Forbidden
William Kayspear chapter 20 . 2/24/2014
NU I WANT MORE! NU! I saw that I had twenty chapters and though, "Oh this'll be a nice long read!" It was nice but I want it longer!
AngelaMM chapter 20 . 3/18/2012
Please! Please update! Your readers NEED you!
Ederra chapter 20 . 1/26/2010
This is really interesting. The plot's good, but I was just wondering if you were going to show us what's happening at the manor and how her parents and Julian are reacting...

I think you described the Forbidden quite well, it sounds so magical.

I hope you update soon!
Jaliy chapter 20 . 1/4/2010
Nice story! I liked it a lot!

update soon..

SFatima328 chapter 20 . 11/18/2009
AWESOME STORY! I read it in one sitting and i couldn't stop! i absolutely love valerie's character and devin is... you should describe his look now or in the future so we know how his body's healing - just a suggestion you don't have to use. UPdate SooN! :D _
Seeker of Knowledge chapter 13 . 3/29/2009
there was one piece with this chapter that didn't quite work from my perspective

how would valerie know if devin was blinking or not if she was sitting behind him on the horse and leaning against his back? it also said she had her eyes closed-but it makes sense she would have opened them at some time so that doesn't really count

this is an interesting story and im eager to read the rest (but if i wasn't interested i wouldn't be revewing it anyway)


never stop writing

() Eleri (
faero chapter 20 . 11/19/2007
Your story draws me in, honestly wasn't what I expected and interesting too.

I wasn't going to read this until later, whenever you completed it...and I'm not so much into fantasy or third person viewpoints but what can I say, you know how to work it haha. Still some typos in there though ;)
Fairytale Gurl chapter 20 . 11/10/2007
shit this is soo good.

but a lil' unrealistic.

and i love julian...why didnt' she want him at all? she shoudl ahve stayed i think and he should ahve kept coming back for her cause he just can't stay away:)
dramaqueen89 chapter 20 . 2/19/2007
Someday-I-will-Understand chapter 20 . 7/6/2006
aw [ when are you doing to update?
bulletproof.cupid chapter 20 . 4/2/2006
ahh since i've been a jerk and i haven't reviewed since the longest time ever, you've hit the jackpot. you might remember me. . . maybe not? i don't know but that's besides the point. the chapter was great as usual. the only thing that annoys me is the lenght. i mean, it's consistant, if that's what yoiu're looking for, but then again. . . i'm on the edge of my seat, wanting more by the end. meh. it's always a rounded-off ending, which is great. and i'm a bloody hypocrite, if you notice. it's hard to write long chapters - i think my longest was 15/16-ish and that was with intense description and a whole whack of events. eh. right, where was i? lol. emma pisses me off. hah, add that to the long list there is. she's so conceited and i don't know, prejudice. she cares for herself and herself alone - and then part of me pities her 'cause she'll never aim for something better in life. she'll always be the one hanging off devin's words, feating on his body and never his soul. i'm glad devin showed her. . . even if violently. she needs to learn somehow :P nyahh.

heh, desperation makes us do funny things. haha, going through women's clothing. lol, it's not what it looks like. meh. they needed that bubbling anger to get out. . . and the embarrasment as well. who would have thought valerie would have done that? it's adds to her character. heh, devin sees through her 'emotionless' facade as well. wonder who can't?

some of the description in this fic blows my mind away. honestly. it's poetical in a sense. . . philosophical. i like. i could gobble it all up :)

“So are you trying to suggest that I take my shirt off?” he winked.- hah, gobble devin up as well. he seriously needs to kiss her. . . or valerie should innitiate it, 'cause i don't see devin lowering his pride, although they both have inflated heads.

oki dokes, you better update soon. it's my final year as well and i'm having a hard time. sucks, don't it? all that tension and shit. eep. oh wells. take care and i hope you do well. . . hah. desperation. byee,

Nacomis chapter 20 . 3/6/2006
i love this story...DEVIN IS WAY ... awesomer (is that a word?)... than shandon and i do not like emma she is... cocky... and i don't like her

anywho update soon
icedfaerie chapter 20 . 2/28/2006
great chapter, I can't wait til the next one.
Chloee Phantom chapter 20 . 2/26/2006
Ha ha! Devin makes me laugh. My parents keep looking at me from the couch, wondering what I keep snickering about. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING! I really really like this story. I don't heart Emma right now. I would go up to her and say, "Find a new boyfriend! Devin's taken!" But...I don't think she'd believe me if she won't belive Devin. It's such a sad world. Not that anyone who knows me believes me either. On impulse, my dad bought 3 baby buffalo, and I told my brother-in-law, but he didn't believe me. Honestly, why would I lie about my dad buying buffalo. Buffalo are chickens, they started freaking out when they SAW me. Talk about people-phobia. Oh well, they're too stupid to think straight anyway. that I have bored you to death with this terribly long review...I'm gonna leave. UPDATE...please?

Chloee Phantom
citrus raindrops chapter 20 . 2/22/2006
i almost forgot about this story, and i had to reread some things. nice chapter ]
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