Reviews for Oops! An Accidental Chance
TheGoddessPixie chapter 9 . 5/27/2010
Hate to break it to ya, but Queen Elizabeth has at least 3 THREE grand-daughters. Her daughter, Princess Anne has at least one daughter, Andrew and Fergie have 2 daughters... don't know if Edward and his wife (Sophie?)have any children yet.

Like the story, but REALLY wish Ken and Jeanie would get together... soon. I'm disliking Neal a bunch and cannot stand "Barbie".

MakeLemonadeWhenHandedLemons chapter 10 . 5/16/2010
Great story - really funny. Loved it!

Oh and in chapter 8 or 9, you said the Queen of England doesn't have a grand daughter - she does, three in fact - Zara Phillips, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. Just felt like pointing that out, but great story!
animegirl214 chapter 22 . 9/13/2009
aw! :D :D :D

i LOVE it! this is EXACTLY my favorite type of story! hehehe :) :D :D :D

thanks for this WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL and ROMANTIC story! :)
Erica71167 chapter 22 . 6/30/2009
Great story! I love it! Good writing...
Jollz chapter 22 . 4/27/2009
This story was amazing! I was literally drinking each word, I swear. One of my favorites! :)
Jollz chapter 10 . 4/27/2009
Oh my god I loved this chapter, it was so HILARIOUS!
CharlotteBradhadair chapter 22 . 2/4/2009
it was really good! i feel really bad for Neal though! he just doesn't have luck when it comes to women!

ItalianQT chapter 22 . 12/4/2008
Aw! That was a cute story! good job! :-)
Sarah chapter 7 . 7/4/2008
You don’t look fat to me. But maybe Ken needs glasses or something.” He stretched his arms above his head and yawned. “I’m gonna go take that shower. And then I’m gonna go to bed.”

I love the story... but isn't that supposed to be Neil not Ken?
Nicole Deming chapter 1 . 11/24/2007
I just finished this story I think it was great.
pinkfluffyoranges chapter 22 . 10/18/2007
This is a trulty beautiful was so dramatic yet lighthearted and you didn't drag it out. I loved the wedding, it was ingenius. Truly loved your work, I'm looking forwad to reading more of your creations.
LadyLush chapter 22 . 8/3/2007
i loved this story it was really well written and the characters werent perfect so it wasnt as predictble as these stories usually are :) i kinda hated ken at first but towards the end i completely fell in love with him lol i'm so happy they got together.

well done on a fantastic story

AJS chapter 22 . 6/24/2007
Cute ending. Hahaha the triplet thing was a little goofy but a nice, light-hearted touch. It's so nice to see that Ken was so persistent about getting her to admit her feelings in the end, though I think a lot of that drive of his came from her small reassurances that it really was him that she loved and not Neal.

It would have been nice to actually see it be Jeannie, in the end, who made that decision to trust him and everything, by telling Neal that she couldn't go through with the wedding, but it seems to me like she was already ready to tell that to Neal anyways. Or maybe I'm hoping (:

Cute story, anyways. Lots of sexual tension and hot make out scenes. Keep up the good work and continue writing!

- Alyssa
crampot chapter 22 . 4/4/2007
Tempest116 chapter 22 . 4/3/2007
Nice story. _
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