Reviews for To Kill a Patriot
your cousin isabel chapter 1 . 12/11/2005
soo good i new you were very talented! send me a copy when you finish it completely
Luthien and Tari chapter 6 . 12/5/2005
Yeah! Thanks for letting me know you updated. Actually, for a change, I got the message this time, but last time I didn't so...go figure!

Poor Will and Mattie. I hope nothing happens to him-hint-hint! And I finally get the title! I know, I know: I'm slow.

Anyhow, these were a very enjoyable two chappies, and I'm rooting for Will and Mattie!
Wolf Queen 001 chapter 6 . 12/2/2005
Wow... This one's deep. Congratulations, you've successfully introduced enough emotion into a single chapter to make a room full of disassionate dead-beats cry. Keep this up and there'll be enough tears to flood the Mississippi.

Kudos. amd keep updating. I don't think I'll ever stop being impressed with your work.
Emily Redhead chapter 1 . 12/1/2005
Gab:it's great! but i really do not think women called man bastards in this time periodthe bell just rangi'll talk to you latermuch love, em
Catherine chapter 6 . 11/30/2005
eh. it was alright.

JUST KIDDING! sorry, but i couldnt resist. really gab, you are one of the most talented teenaged writers I have ever encountered. I loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved LOVED it! Especially since you've had me hanging on, waiting for that kiss to happen for...hmm...lets see...6 months now? No, no its been longer. Like a year. Maybe more. Well, its been since I read those first few chapters, scribbled in your notebook when I was over at your house back in 8th grade. Yea so its been about 2 years. Wow. And it was worth the wait.

It was so so so good. Sarah's a funny character. and I lurrve Will. and Mattie's really cool. Like a modern woman in the wrong time, almost.

I give it two thumbs up and 50 billion gold stars.
Opal Fairy chapter 5 . 11/2/2005
I don't think that was the best chapter to read when I was on the verge of tears anyway, but you've managed to make me cry. Your story is so cute and sad and lovely and I'm rambling. It took me awhile to see you posted a new chapter coz I'm currently writing for the young adults section so forget about historical but will remind myself to look again soon

Opal Fairy
Wolf Queen 001 chapter 5 . 10/28/2005
Excelent as usual. Only thing I noticed was at the end of the chapter, you switched the horse from Shakesepeare to Penny. Heheh. Don't worry about that too much, though. Everyone makes mistakes like that.

But other than that, wonderful! Your use of emotion was great. You really know how to get people wrapped up in the story. Nice job on the ending, too. Kind of reminds me of something I read a few months ago. Heh.

Update soon!
Alianne1379 chapter 5 . 10/26/2005
I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! lol. Very good chapter. Can't wait for next one...
REBECCA chapter 1 . 10/25/2005
gabby, its hott! i
Wolf Queen 001 chapter 4 . 10/19/2005
Yay! I was waiting for this... Glad you updated!

Nice job in this one, too. You really do know how to keep the suspense... Makes me wonder if she'll ever get to talk to Will. Heheh.

Also got me speculating... For some reason, I have this feeling that Matt might try to get into the army somehow...

Anyway, keep up the good work! I'll try and review ASAP, whenever possible. And nice job on the French, too. I'm taking Spanish, but I sort of get what you're saying. Heheh. Maybe you can use that language later in the story. After all, the French did help us out... a lot.
Opal Fairy chapter 4 . 10/17/2005
After you being the 1st to review my story (which made my otherwise terrible day)I thought I'd check out yours. I really like your main character she has real charisma. Sadly I had to skim read parts as I'm meant to be doing History coursework. But can't wait to read more chapters. Thank You very much for your review
Alianne1379 chapter 4 . 10/12/2005
oh...suspense! drama! gossip (kinda)! I love it! Especially hinting that Will might be a soldier...
Alianne1379 chapter 3 . 10/11/2005
I like the surpises! Very good! You have inspired me to write a Revolutionary War story too!
Alianne1379 chapter 2 . 10/11/2005
Oh...Shakespeare! Got to love it! Pero el francais es stupido! El espanol es muy bueno!
Alianne1379 chapter 1 . 10/11/2005
Howdy Gabby,Love the story thus far...keep up the awesome stories!
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