Reviews for WMSmoker seeks Seclusion
Patolozka chapter 20 . 5/26/2013
This tale was one of the greatest Ive ever read:-) Thanks for it! I like the style, Clydes ideas, Sams character and their interactions:-) In short - everything!
allancaldera chapter 20 . 5/25/2013
This story was took in a direction I never thought it would be. I thought it would have been a different story line but I am so happy you took it from the cliche I love your characters all of them each has their own personality and style I love Max the dog it was one of my favorites so air head perfect Sam o sam hate this name in people but he was so perfect I would totally date him in real life I am so happy they end together Sam and Clyde they are so good for both of them this story really was amazing so different I often read.
useRNAME chapter 20 . 5/9/2013
THEY'RE SO FUCKING ADORABLE and you're a fucking brilliant writer I can't get "I shouldn't care and neither should my hair" out my head and I guess opening up to people can make a difference...but clydes just lucky to have met someone like sam IM JEALOUS I don't have that kind of luck
OrangeJuice190 chapter 20 . 3/25/2013
Oh. My. God.
This is by far one of the best on FP.
I love your writing style.
Shadow Ravon chapter 20 . 3/17/2013
Nuitdemeztli chapter 20 . 3/16/2013
Smooth Sid chapter 11 . 3/15/2013
I liked Clyde well-enough when he hated everyone, now not so much.
Andrea annoys the shit out of me. So does Rob for that matter.
You're writing's good though.
opelleam chapter 20 . 2/8/2013
Excellent, i love this fiction!
Guest chapter 20 . 2/3/2013
Ha, AWWWW I loved that story. They are just SOOO epically cute together!
*sigh* now I have to find something else to so with my life
Mr. Oompa Loompa chapter 3 . 1/31/2013
I agree with Clyde.
Fuck untying and retying shoes! Just put the damn thing on and you're done.
The dog licking his ass was funny though, LOL!
Guest chapter 20 . 1/6/2013
; )
MayaTheGreatish chapter 7 . 12/29/2012
I love that he's a jerk and I like him anyway. Well played, you.
MayaTheGreatish chapter 4 . 12/29/2012
His antics with that kid are perfect. I wish I had the balls to pull something like that off, let alone with a straight face.
Peacock Slayer chapter 20 . 12/29/2012
i loved this some parts were just so funny
RawrieAddicted chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
Is it seriously horrible that I can relate to this character? xD. I have a husky/wolf too, but his name is Yerik. I don't enjoy the human race either, so I spend my time alone as much as I humanly and possibly can. Comic books are amazing _, I don't watch TV much either..well, my point is, is that I'm very much like Clyde.

Anyway, the prolouge has intrigued me and caught my interest after the first few lines. So congratulations, because that rarely happens often :). On to chapter two, I'll try to make these reviews longer D;.
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