Reviews for Magnolias In War
Great-Enchantress chapter 3 . 4/1/2005
great update! I really like- for some odd reason cuz he's a pimp- William. I know that he isn't the best guy, but I dunno, maybe it's because I have the whole 'oh, if he knew *me* he would change' that every other woman probably has. :) lol. Anyways, just a little comment, I don't think you should have the text in bold, it irritates me and if it isn't for any purpose, I don't know why you would have it bolded. otherwise, I am loving this story, great job.
Madison L chapter 1 . 4/1/2005
Not bad, not bad. I did notice, however, that the valet's name has been ripped off from Gone With the Wind.
tffny012 chapter 3 . 3/31/2005
yay! you updated fast!
Great-Enchantress chapter 2 . 3/30/2005
what a wonderful first two chapters! i have thoroughly enjoyed them both and I do hope you continue. I love reading of the Civil War era (as you can see as I have a story of it myself) and romance is also a major plus so I hope Caroline settles down and dump Edward Johnson for a real man that she deserves. Wonderful story, again, I am very interested in seeing where this is going. Please update soon!
tffny012 chapter 2 . 3/29/2005
hi! i really like the plot and i hope you update soon!
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