Reviews for Eyes
genEve chapter 1 . 5/1/2005
very nice... sorta touching in some way or the other... have i told you how good you are? no? well, you're good ) hope you continue writing
in love with you chapter 1 . 4/16/2005
that was wonderful. and it's very much true, if you can read eyes that is.

very nicely written.
JuxA Person chapter 1 . 4/4/2005
wow, I'm not really an eye person, but I think you are since you hold the reason why people love eyes so much in this poem. Its true, however, and I try to avoid eye contact as a result of such vulnerability, as I feel they're peering into my soul. chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
Wonderful! Eyes really do convey everything... I fall in love with eyes. -Roses in RainP.S. Thanks for the review!
laughter at the funeral chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
this is gave a broader view and idea on what the eyes can do or show...good job!oh and pls if you have the time...pls do review some of my poems...thanks...

truly yours...
Kenishiro chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
i loved it, true, the eyes reveals much much more than we think. great piece of poetry! keep up the good work!
MartinLundberg chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
so much meaning on something that seems so simple as eyes... thanks for the review but she wansnt the one... i dont keep cheaters. but thanks anyway. like your style. Peace out
Macca Lane chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
bruilant the way you did it liek the flow that oyu ahve given to the poem and the pace that it has and this is so great in hwo ture it ais about hwo someones eyes can say so much about them and in some cases alsmt haunt oyu