Reviews for Look What You've Done
AmShe256 chapter 30 . 7/20/2010
you know...I just figured out that this was a series. I really liked it though. I guess I'm going to go find out what the first one was called.
Chiara Pieta chapter 1 . 3/12/2010
Idontwannareadityet! Idontwannareadityet! Idontwannareadityet!

I'm going to read it anyway .
loveistheshortestformofsuicide chapter 28 . 7/7/2009
xP I haven't even read this chapter yet (I'm sure it's gonna be amazing) but I just wanted to say that today when I was working (I'm a life guard) there was this little boy there named Nick and the first thing I thought of was Nicky. Haha. It was only his name though that was the same because this kid was two. He was adorable though which is how I picture Nicky being. (:

Love your stories. You're an amazing writer. -hearts-
kepteinen chapter 30 . 3/21/2009

red-headed psychopaths wanted chapter 30 . 7/15/2008
Brilliant! I loved you might have deduced. XD
red-headed psychopaths wanted chapter 20 . 7/15/2008
Man...I wasn't planning on reviewing until I was finished with reading this whole thing, but the perfection of this ending was so...PERFECT! I just had to tell you. .
Midnights Scream chapter 30 . 6/20/2008
Ah. that's a very good way to end the story. :) Super cute and liked how Josh talked about how he didn't want to get high. I feel very satisfied with this story and it's ending. :) great job!
Midnights Scream chapter 25 . 6/20/2008
;} cute! I like that Kay is taking such good care of Josh when he's scared and I didn't expect his father to call either. It's weird though because I've read Nicky's story first and things mean so much more now that you know Kay's and Josh's relationship. :)
Bluorange chapter 30 . 6/19/2008
Ok, I know I haven't reviewed for barely any of the chapters in this story, but that's only because I'd like to read the second part of the trilogy before I do any REAL commenting because this story deserves every second of my time.

It was beautiful. I've never been more in love with the characters in my life. Sure there was random drama that pissed me off, but that ALWAYS happens, no matter the story.

This is a legacy. A TRUE legacy. Everything about this story reeks of magnificence. The prologue was probably the best, in my opnion. Because something about it was so sad, it still brings tears to my eyes. But it's such a relief to know that it ends happily and they're able to be together and have a normal relationship with love and kissing and fight and LOTS of fucking!

I want to thank you for writing this. For some reason, it gives me a lot of hope in life to see these characters overcome all obstacles and have a happy ending. Sure, I couldn't tear myself away from my computer for hours at a time and my dad kept bugging me and my computer kept freezing and causing me to scream a few obsenities, but it doesn't matter! :)

But I'm still glad it's OVER! Now I can have a life again! (once I read "The Faster You Fall", lol)

I love you, homie slice! You're so amazing!

Bluorange chapter 6 . 6/18/2008
This is so different! It's not hot, yet it's still really interesting. And the idea of poor Josh getting raped explains a lot of things.
Bluorange chapter 1 . 6/18/2008
I feel like I skipped a bunch of drama, lol

But it's still good! But I'm guessing that Josh topped Kay, which is weird but... cute?
Midnights Scream chapter 19 . 6/17/2008
wow. so much drama. I think Kay needs to explain what was going on with the british dude. I think Josh would understand things a lot better than. :) it's good, but sad. You've gotta love Nicky though.
Midnights Scream chapter 3 . 6/12/2008
It's so cute. they're naturally such a good couple. I love it!
jjwitdaheydiddydiddy chapter 30 . 2/5/2008
(err.. the site's kinda retarded right now, so you may get this review twice. maybe. but i digest...)

Loved it. Loved all three of 'em, actually, and son of a bitch do I wish I had your apparent hypergrafia. But uhh... there's one thing that kept bugging me throughout the second and third sequels... so, Claudia drugged Kay, right? Did Josh just.. forget about that, or what? I don't get it. And he of all people should know how easily one's judgement goes flying out the window when drugs are involved, so... what the hell?
TotallyPMS chapter 30 . 12/16/2007
Haha, I can finally say I read/know everything in the Kay/Josh/Nicky universe. It was a great read! Really enjoyed it. If this was really a published book everyone knew about I would have probably find myself writing a fic of it in LOL, probably investigating the Josh/Kyle thing further and doing a crapstactic job pairing them up. Sorry, I'm just babbling. Anyways, hope you update “The Faster You Fall” soon. 'Kay, till then! Chao!
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