Reviews for Innocent Desires
Guest chapter 6 . 10/17/2013
I love this story! The plot is great and I can't wait to read more! I wonder if the guy placing the cloak on Aeries is the Lord or someone else...
FM Radio chapter 6 . 11/8/2007
Oh, you're mean, you are very mean! How could you just stop? AFter writing a cliffy nonetheless? CONTINUE THIS!
FM Radio chapter 1 . 11/8/2007
swaggurl15 chapter 6 . 7/9/2007
This story is marvelous!Please continue.
foxesrblu919 chapter 6 . 10/8/2006
I hope you will continue this story it is really good, i hope you did not give up on it or anything happened to you.
fool chapter 6 . 6/24/2006
till this far this story's gr8 but it been a long time seens u've updated..did u give up this this story?
wishingclouds chapter 6 . 5/17/2006
Shut up.
riceboi chapter 1 . 5/16/2006
ah... I have an innocent desire... a desire for you and for you to update this site!

Love from Divad
Asphodelle chapter 6 . 2/21/2006
love your stories please update soon
castaways and cutouts chapter 6 . 1/5/2006
oh i did enjoy it! A bit late, perhaps, for a review, but I really liked it! Please update soon, continue with the story!
justcallmebubba chapter 6 . 1/1/2006
You have to update! This is a really ood story! pplleeaassee?D
Madee chapter 6 . 11/23/2005
Good plot! Update, please! I am curious!
stanhops chapter 6 . 11/17/2005
Do update for me please. It was just geting good! Oh please continue...
DoorIn2Chaos chapter 6 . 11/10/2005
wow...this story is so good! i love Van Husen...he's just so...well written...great job..
Samantha chapter 6 . 10/20/2005
I highly suggest that you find a beta reader - someone to edit your work before you post it. Your story has good potential, but the grammatical errors are distracting from the story itself.
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