Reviews for Seeing Double: Rough Draft
Water Block chapter 2 . 10/18/2006
I liked your use of maladroit-I like it when I have to look up a new word.

Anyway-I'm getting the distinct impression that Eric likes Devan. (I liked how he inquired as to what her and Eden do together, but she just passed over it)

Also-thanks for more insight into Devan's past. It sounds as if it would fit well on Law and Order: SVU (Sorry. I've just been watching it for the first time alot lately.)

Great chapter! Loved it-also; loving the fact that Devan is like the only person to notice the differences between the brothers, when their own mother has difficulties at times.

Loving Eric's character.
Water Block chapter 1 . 10/18/2006
I like this one! Eric and Eden sound cool.

Great chapter. I want to know more about Devan's life; why is she adopted, when did she first come to be with her new family, etc, etc.
swimchickslam chapter 25 . 8/28/2006
aww cute story
Katie Valentine chapter 25 . 8/17/2006
aha. okie. it was a lil confusing. but hey, this story still rocks.! )
brittle hearts chapter 2 . 7/18/2006
It's understandable that the characters are still a little weak because it's only the second chapter of the story. :)
brittle hearts chapter 1 . 7/18/2006
I love the beginning. Can't wait to see more!
cherrypiesizzle chapter 22 . 6/28/2006
I actually don't like Eden much. He's such a selfish bastard, and what's her face Devan can't make up her mind between the two but decides to kiss both the guys. That's's unfair to both of them too.. I love how you wrote this story, like your writing style is really great. I'm just saying (don't get mad at me please! ;p) as constructive criticism that I don't really like your plot or general idea. It's like two men fawning over this one girl...umm I don't really like the idea of that. But that's just my oppinion! I feel that way, it doesn't mean other people do as well. And I haven't even finished reading the story which is already complete as it is, so I'm just going by what I've read so far. Also, just as an observation I think that Eric is very generous and kind...yes, in a somewhat bumbling way, but I think he is better than Eden could ever be. Eden is rather selfish in ignoring what Eric feels to get to Devan, which I think is the wrong kind of love for the girl. I mean, he expected him to tell him Devan's secret when he had no right to...Devan doesn't know this side of him, I think. Um, well, I still love your writing style, I just think (my oppinion, remember) that the idea is off to me. Well I'm going to go read the rest!
quillofink chapter 25 . 5/20/2006
Hey...I started this story last night and could only finish this today. I love this story so much! P

I can't remember which one of your stories I've read before; all I know is your style of writing (the one I enjoy, love and admire) is familiar and you're on my Favourite Authors list. XD Anyway, just thanking you for the great read. )
FadedWhispers chapter 2 . 4/30/2006
Great story tho k for catcher's better in the beginning
Kiki chapter 25 . 4/21/2006
I think these two guys (twins) are the perfect depictions of Eric and Eden. Check them out here:


Well, if you had a character lookalike site thing, you should post this for E&E. :D
FamousOneLiners chapter 25 . 4/15/2006
this story was amazing, i spent the whole night reading it, but i have to say i am sososo sad for eden.
Insanity Da Best Policy chapter 25 . 4/11/2006
Aha! That was really nice one. You got me a little confused with all the flashbacks, I mean it was intended to make people confused, but then when it all clubbed it was really good _ And I even went as far as thinking that Eden was a sadist and the "MINE MINE" thingie was told by him and that he was a villian and then...what not. EHEHEHEHE Anyways awesome story huns! _

Oh yeah, didn't find many mistakes except for a couple-a places where Eric and Eden were interchanged I guess. Oh well, not really sure _

Love reading it!

The Fork and The Spoon chapter 25 . 3/24/2006
cute cute cute story.

Guest chapter 25 . 3/20/2006
this story was absolutely fantabulous. i loved how it played out, even if i was really sad for eden. it was superb and wonderfully well written, especially as the story progressed. i really liked how the flashbacks of the past were inserted and how it flowed with it really well. thanks for writing and finishing such a great story!
bec1246 chapter 2 . 3/7/2006
im only on chapter two but i would like to venture a guess:devan was molested?she and eric end up together.

what i dont understand is are she and eden dating? or are they just friends

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