Reviews for My Wonderwall
BGPearl chapter 10 . 8/21/2012
I love this story , but im so confussed with chapter 10... why did u suddenly cut the awesome scene with Sam in the hallway to the one where he wakes up? I'm really confused how u got from one to the other :S plus I wanted to see where he took Sam :/
VoiceInsideYourHeadVIII chapter 10 . 2/27/2012
Absolutly awesome!
morphine and lollipops chapter 10 . 5/30/2011
It's very sad that you have appeared to abandon this, 'cause it's amazing. (: You are a wonderful writer, and I love Sam and Sebastian, and Aria. (: Times like 100. aha.
Wicked Neko chapter 10 . 3/14/2011
oh! NU!

How could you end it like thaat? .
celes chapter 10 . 3/2/2010
I love your story.

Sometimes I admit it gets confusing with all the inner dialogue or just a bit harder to follow. But I do really like it :)

I hope you get back to it someday, though with the amount of the break in posting it's looking very unlikely. If nothing else, if you have time, a summary of the plot as you would have written it would be amazing.

thanks for sharing your gift,

letyoursoultakeflight chapter 10 . 12/30/2009
OMG! You haven't updated in ages! Ypu can't leave it here... come on, you know you want to keep writing it! XD
letyoursoultakeflight chapter 9 . 12/30/2009
“Dude, you asked Mrs. Henderson if she masturbated.”

And before he could tack on any more words, I was stuffing a pillow into his mouth.

- love the brother banter ]
letyoursoultakeflight chapter 8 . 12/30/2009
Your story is so fun and entertaining! I love the bit of crazy in it ] The chapters just keep on getting better and better!
letyoursoultakeflight chapter 7 . 12/30/2009
Seriously adore the begining of this chapter! Love ]

Hell, I think I love everything about this chapter...
letyoursoultakeflight chapter 3 . 12/30/2009
Love this chapter ] I like the bit of background you give- makes me want to hug the poor chap!

“Whoa. Tall glass of lord yes.” Todd mumbled as he fanned himself with a rigid hand.

- ha :) love him!

“Gays are supposed to be bad athletes. Well, gay guys. And lesbians are supposed to be all butch and stuff. You know Sam, you’re not playing your role properly.”

- she's so adorable
Izzylove chapter 5 . 11/22/2009
Reason why I love this story...

1. The humor. You know, the kind that makes you laugh so loud that everyone in the room stares at you.

2. The reality. It's so real, I can believe that real high school guys might be dying their hair and trashing people's houses right now.

3. The OH MY GOD WHERE THE HECK IS THIS STORY GOING! I have a few ideas. You give your reader just enough foreshadowing that they can make thousands of predictions and want to keep reading to find out.

Wishing you well,

Slash Rating chapter 10 . 10/14/2009
I really like the interesting plot ~ following.
Adorkabl3 chapter 10 . 8/28/2009
I love this story! The characters are quirky, and the narrative is endearing. Although I must admit, the uber-slow development between Sam and Sebastian is driving me a little nuts-I squirm a bit in my seat (or bed, whatever) when I think something's finally gonna happen between them... and then nothing happens, and then I'm like, muttering almost incoherent 'god dammit!'s and 'frustrating as all hell!'s to myself. See! It even sounds crazier when written down.

But yeah, your story's nice. :D
cancelaccount chapter 10 . 8/15/2009
Please update!
Hanakimi chapter 6 . 8/9/2009
And you! Update this one too!
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