Reviews for Shell
amanda.h chapter 1 . 8/4/2005
"I hide myself in the velvety darkness once more, glimpses of brightness residing on my skin"

I really love the image that puts into my mind.
Iggy - Essence of Angst chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
Awesome, Ebony-san!

"What makes something wrong? When a person says it's wrong? But what makes something right?"

You have a good point.

"Instead of these shadows I clothe myself in, I could wear a cloak of brilliant colour, and of vivid white truths. I need not wear this mask, hot and tight against my skin, now I can breathe, and now I can speak!"

Wow. I love the way you typed that out. It sounds -so- poetic... not quite tragic, but almost forceful when you state the fact that the person has to hide.

This piece of poetry was beautiful.
toomanypickles chapter 1 . 5/30/2005
I like your little ficcies. (saying ficcies makes them sound so cute)You write very poetically. I think I might have told you that before...
I Am Vast chapter 1 . 5/21/2005
It's really good! I like the subject matter.

"Instead of these shadows I clothe myself in, I could wear a cloak of brilliant colour, and of vivid white truths. I need not wear this mask, hot and tight against my skin, now I can breathe, and now I can speak!"

For some strange reason that line makes me think of the Phantom of the Opera. _; Nice job!


By the way I'm Dreammistress Jade from fanfiction. You need to fix your link there, cause it doesn't work properly.
B.J. Sanders chapter 1 . 5/17/2005
Wow! I read your stories - well, currently AM reading your stories - on and I checked this one out, too! I really like it, especially about hiding beneath lies and living lies. (I think that's right...My brain understands it, but it's sometimes hard for me to relay my thoughts...)