Reviews for Moving On |
princess max chapter 42 . 11/28/2005 Aw, I don't blame Kevin at all for feeling that way! The poor guy, I really hope he gets over his fears, because his boy would NEVER hurt him. ARGH, STOP MAKING THEM OPEN THEIR BEER WITH THEIR TEETH! lol, Esquirella, you make me wince every time I read it. hehe, maybe we should get 'Thailand' from Ali G to show them how to REALLY open a beer with style! (Do you get Ali G over there?) hehe, excellent update. Even though you tease me by telling me about food in reviews, I still love you, lol. |
emerald raven chapter 42 . 11/28/2005 lol i loved the whole 'lets compare different ways to open beer' very nice . brian, cody and damon on the case? i think i agree with brett - kev hasn't got a chance... lol another great shapter darlin - can't wait for more! luv ya muchly emerald ravenx x x |
emerald raven chapter 41 . 11/27/2005 terry's starting to see sense then? yayness! lol the hen night/stag do should be fun . brian should so get married in his mothers sress... would suit him down to the ground... anyway loved the updates, can't wait for more honey! luv ya muchly emerald ravenx x x |
kalika chapter 1 . 11/25/2005 i finished reading this and i can't wait for you to write more and while i liked bri's and kevin's story this is the one that had me laughing and smiling and making weird comments out loud [all of which earned me weird looks from my sibblings ;p] I can't wait for the next part and I hope you continue writing this. _ |
ArchAngelic the Reborn chapter 41 . 11/23/2005 Creepy...I had a class a few weeks ago about AIDS, where a patient came to tell us about what life is like for him...He wasn't taking his meds like was supposed to either, and he got twenty kinds of hell for it from his family. HIs boyfriend had left him though, but that was probably because he had cheated (that's how he contracted the disease in the first place) |
ddz008 chapter 41 . 11/22/2005 Great chapter!O_O Jamie and Terry are going to talk! I hope that Terry realizes that Jamie really loves him and would be sad if he doesn't get better soon :(Keep writing, please!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D |
afk chapter 41 . 11/22/2005 O.o yay terry gettiing meds! lol it was a nice chap _ |
eldrin chapter 41 . 11/22/2005 Heart-to-hearts always make me squeamish...but this one was nicely done and I enjoyed it. |
Yoyo-chan chapter 41 . 11/22/2005 YAY~! OMG every chapter leaves me SO excited for the next one. I love you two. I think this heart to heart between Terry and Jamie is overdue though XP And Damon *is* Lee's mother-figure and he's planning a hen-night.. OMG I just thought of something. Does that make Mike Lee's stepmother-figure? XD okay, enough of that. Looking forward to next chapter as usual! *hugs* |
Endowment's Seraph chapter 41 . 11/22/2005 this was great. write mroe soon~Mel |
princess max chapter 41 . 11/22/2005 Aw, I'm glad Cody and Ron and Damon got through to Terry. Marshall and Ron's back story was lovely, but I feel for them, having a 3 year old son! Boys are at their worst at age three, IMHO. Brian was as cute as always, too. But oh dear God, you trust 'the boys' to go out on a stag night and come back alive? This is worrisome, I tell you! I foresee much mischief! |
slowlydancingtothestars chapter 41 . 11/22/2005 oh... |
Silver Daratraz chapter 1 . 11/21/2005 Brett or Trent? you put brett on your synopsis, but trent inside it. Which one? make up your mind. I'm so confused right now. Oh and I updated a whole lot on Slave and Master. read some will ya? _ |
Drop a Heart chapter 40 . 11/20/2005 Eep, this is really good too! Keep up the good work. I don't think I could..but if I had to choose a character from these sets of stories, I think I like Trent the most...either Trent or Matt... hm... Anywho, *peace* |
ddz008 chapter 40 . 11/18/2005 Great chapter!They're so great together!Cody and Grant are really to see the next chapter pretty soon, please!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D |