Reviews for Moving On
cherise chapter 46 . 12/16/2005
Brian, please! (The christmas ecard, thingie) or Damon. Either one will have me so happy I'll be delusional for days! And I really am glad you did this story because in the end of TMFTP, I felt like Trent just got the world's shortest end of the stick. Damon seems so good for him...(and his sex drive). It seems like he's gone through so much to find the perfect love.
mcdgoddess chapter 46 . 12/16/2005
I LOVED this story! I'm sad thats its over, but it was great while it lasted and I will be reading it over and over anyway! I'm just happy that everyone else is happy! Once again you have created another great story and I look forward to reading about the wedding!
Slashfreak chapter 46 . 12/16/2005
this is for all the chapters i love it and i love your other stories aswell and i hope you keep writing
WarriorHeart chapter 46 . 12/16/2005
The little recapped ending was nice.
ArchAngelic the Reborn chapter 46 . 12/16/2005
I must say, you do write fast... You were at chapter eight when I first started my sequel, and now you're all finished! And what a great story this has been. I really love the Brian/Damon interaction, and how they're actually maturing even more.

Keep it up!
Lost In Thought 769 chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
aw I finally caught up and it's over. ::sniff:: But there's a sequal! YAY! Matt and Brian are getting married! I'm so happy for them, and Jason and Kevin too of course! I love Trent and Damon. They seem so different from all the other characters, it's cool. I can't wait for next story! You're such an amazing writer!
ErBeBr chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
Woo Hoo!Happy Ending!Yay, I really enjoyed this story, and I cannot wait for the sequel!Love it!XOXO Eva
slowlydancingtothestars chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
ShadesWithLove chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
its the end? aw.. but there is still the squeal! anyway, update the squeal soon! erm... i think i just have this tiny little complain. you didnt give us a lemon for the last chapter...
Endowment's Seraph chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
this was great! i can't wait for the sequal!~Mel
kukuruu chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
Aw ( its over...pout pout...

I cant wait for the sequal to it!

Could I get a ecard please? Matt & Brian? I would love it if I could get one!

oh says to email you...Ill do that then n.n;;..

Loving your stories,
emerald raven chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
it's *sob* over?

...sequel? . yay, bouncyness - i can't wait, i love all of the guys!

this was a really great story, i heart it so much! th crosover with Brett and Michael was really great as well, more from those guys will be awesome!

can't wait for the sequel honey, keep up the -amazing- work!

luv a muchly

emerald ravenx x x
princess max chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
WOW! Killer ending! I'm glad you added this chapter on; it nicely wrapped up a lot. The fact that Brian & Damon are STILL in denial about their friendship amuses me to no end. However, I do think Brian needs a skateboard. He does! Really!

Now start writing the sequel, damnit!
Yoyo-chan chapter 46 . 12/15/2005
Yay! I'm sad it's over but that was a good ending and I'm looking forward to the next one. I guess they've moved on enough that this story can be over :D
WarriorHeart chapter 45 . 12/14/2005
Oh... It's so nice... I'm glad there will be another sequel. Haha, you should just call it the chronicles of their lives!
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