Reviews for Moving On
emerald raven chapter 45 . 12/13/2005
aww this chapter, and the one before, as too cute, I loved it all! only one more chapter? *pout*

ah well there'll be more from the guys soon wont there? hehe anyway loved it as usual, keep it up

luv ya muchly

emerald ravenx x x
ShadesWithLove chapter 45 . 12/13/2005
whoah... so from a two men wedding, the dads somehow turned it into a 6 men wedding. bravo!
Endowment's Seraph chapter 45 . 12/12/2005
awe. that's all i can say. awe. lol. write mroe soon~Mel
afk chapter 45 . 12/12/2005
AW so cute! :3 dark corners woot XD lol
slowlydancingtothestars chapter 45 . 12/12/2005
princess max chapter 45 . 12/12/2005
Cody and Grant are as sweet as ever. AND KEVIN WILL MARRY JASON! YAY for that. Oh, and Jamie will definitely have to marry Terry next year. Definitely!

Dear Trent has nothing to worry about. Damon is his, his, his and Brett was just being stupid. Psht, and of course Trent is a hornbag, he waited 23 years to get laid! He needs to catch up!
slowlydancingtothestars chapter 44 . 12/7/2005
xanthofile chapter 44 . 12/6/2005
Kevin stared at him with huge eyes, imploring him for a third, more palatable choice, but Trent stayed silent and serious.

god, is that ever a mental image done in words! puppy eyes in the making. *heh he*

this is a cute chapter, just for Kevin. he's all upset, and nobody really seems to notice, except the outsiders. maybe they can screw his head on right. *notice i avoided the word 'straight' like the plague. why is that?*
Yoyo-chan chapter 44 . 12/6/2005
... chapter title x.x

I love them so much. They make me laugh XDD I love stories that make me laugh and you and princess max win at that so completely. Also cause I feel I have to say it every chapter, I love Damon. He always makes me laugh. And your characters are so evil and conniving! I'd feel sorry for Damon but he's one of the worst. So I feel sorry for Brett and Michael instead for having to put up with them for two weeks _~.
afk chapter 44 . 12/6/2005
kev don't be an ass and marry poor ol jay! he wuv you T_T luved the first part of teh story hahaha XD uate
princess max chapter 44 . 12/6/2005
Oh dear, poor Kevin. I feel for him, being so worried about getting married, when you can tell it's what, deep down, he really needs.

Michael is teh laziest. I hope he makes it up to the others. And Damon was wonderful, especially in sorting out the belongings and forcing Brett to move on from his past. I like Damon so much more now that he's yours!
Endowment's Seraph chapter 44 . 12/6/2005
awesome. i can't wait to read more~Mel
ShadesWithLove chapter 43 . 12/2/2005
whoah... finally i managed to catch up with this. sorry bout the lack of reviews recently. anyway, glad that brett and trent are 'connecting'. oh yeah, damn jamie for hiring the stripper.
Evilnesspeace chapter 43 . 12/1/2005
I still want Trent! _ And Damon, so hot. Going to check out the Brett and Michael chaps tied with this one. update soon! Holla!
Cherise chapter 43 . 12/1/2005
...*giggles* I liked that stripper. Trying to seduce Joey onto the...better side. *winks* And...I wonder. Will we, the poor unknowing audience, ever know why Damon left Trent? Like what really made him leave? I'm gonna bet it was...a person.
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