Reviews for The Art of Being So Confused
fangsdaevil chapter 1 . 5/26/2005
Your work is impecable, WAY better than mine. You are very gifted, you should never stop writing, never never never. I adore your writing. All I got to say is keep it up!
Bex chapter 1 . 5/19/2005
wow flizz its really good, um it says to give a critique to improve the writer ...but i would feel really hypicrital cos i don't wirte so ...i thought i was really good, better than anything i could write ...but that ain't saying much.x
Yuki Sasaki chapter 1 . 5/19/2005
Deep and well written. I understand what you mean about the feedback. It gives you so much inspiration. You are a very talented person. Keep up the wonderful work.