Reviews for I'll call you freak, you'll call me delusional
Isla Sangue chapter 6 . 6/11/2005
Awesome keep writing and update soon as possible!angioletto x
Myiesha chapter 6 . 6/10/2005
omg this is such a gr8 gr8 story and ur writng is very original... the only problam is that u havent made anything happen between them yet. lol i'm losing my patience! arghh!... update soon plz... luv ur writing heaps!
conditionoakland chapter 6 . 6/10/2005
Cool story! I love Juan, he's so cute! and lynn seems nice too!
Essence of Reality chapter 6 . 6/10/2005

I love the fingers thing..

_ You have really original ideas- that's probably a major thing that makes your writing so refreshing to read.

And your chapters are long! o_o Or, at least to me they are.. xD They are just the perfect length.

And 'raided' eyebrow? That would make me crack up- and you are really good with spelling and grammar.

:O Birdy birdy birde.

Wow, you are updating REALLY fast. Holy smokes. You go girl! _~ And thank you for updating so fast! :b

I love this story! Keep going!
QuiEtXpeRfeCti0n chapter 1 . 6/10/2005
I liked how you had the fight to show some of the characters feelings toward boys. I have only read the first chapter and will probably review the others once I am done reading them. The first one was good; I'm hoping the other ones are just as good, if not better.
bummertime chapter 6 . 6/10/2005
Im acting like a little child. )good chappie. *giggle*
cbprice25 chapter 5 . 6/7/2005
Glad you update again!
Eleanor Gibson chapter 5 . 6/7/2005
Aww, lol, thanks for the blanket _~. Another good chapter. This is coming along well. Glad it didn't sound offensive. Well, till next chap,-Rae
Ms Urania chapter 5 . 6/7/2005
I really liked the ending to this chapter. I'm glad that you're going to tone down the fixation with falling in love (couldn't help noticing the independent woman bit!) as it seems so at odds with what we've seen of her, plus Juan seems so laid back that that kind of girl would make him run a mile!

Goody, I like giving recommendations...although this is a bit difficult as I did Classics at school so we studied quite a few of the plays and stories from the original source (translated into English) but that can be a bit heavygoing if you're not studying it within class. We used the Penguin Classics editions of these, so I'd recommend the translations by Rieu, Fagles and Vallacott. For general Greek myths there are tons of really good books you can find at the library for younger readers which are how I initially got into mythology and they have lots of pretty pictures which is always a plus, also the writing isn't so flowery. Although they do have a tendency to skim over all the sex, violence, incest, rape, the fact that Zeus was a sex mad idiot, Hera was a jealous (although you can't really blame her), vindictive cow, etc. Sorry I couldn't be more specific.

You're making me even more curious about the title now! Thanks for updating so regularly.
Essence of Reality chapter 5 . 6/7/2005
Okay, that was awesoome.


This story is really interesting, and I love the writing style!

And thank you again for replying. _ *SPRINKLES*


And yeah, highschool is 'exciting'.. /koff.

Sometimes in a not-so-good way. :S

Lol, and thank you so much for updating so fast!

Wow, you're chapters are so lonng. _ It's awesome!
bummertime chapter 5 . 6/7/2005
-Giggles- o gooddyy!
Ms Urania chapter 4 . 6/6/2005
"Naturally, I looked at Juan. He was looking around the classroom. If we could work together... it would be brilliant. My mark for literature would go skyrocketing." Bwah ha ha! This cracked me up because it would probably have been my first thought too. Juan is very enigmatic, my mythology loving heart has really warmed to him, especially as he appears to know his Greek myths.

I do find Aelyn's fixation with falling in love a bit pathetic. She seems like a pretty grounded, independent and intelligent girl so why is she so desperate?

Good job with the title, it's what drew me to the story intially as I found it pretty intriguing. Wonder who's the 'freak' and who's 'delusional-or am I taking the title too literally?
Bleeding Air chapter 4 . 6/6/2005
Gasp. I thought that I had already left a review, but apparently, I hadn't. I hate when I do that, haha.

Okay, lemme just start by mentioning that this story seems so realistic. Especially with how the "populars" are more human than not. You know how they are usually brought in stories as complete snobs who care about nothing but their looks and their boyfriends? Ugh. You don't do that. Del is PERFECT. She's really who would be considered popular.

There's something I gotta mention though, that I find kinda funny. The main character of this fic reminds me of me (I'm basically the same socially. . . I stand in the same school position as her, I love art, and I'm attracted to unique guys) ha, what a coinkydink. oh, and there's also a blond haired boy I know who acts like Martin. I was a little spooked when I was reading this, haha.

Anyways! Enough about that. More on how great this story is. Juan is a wonderful character, and he just seems so human. He's full of thought. He's someone the reader can relate to, especially writers. I just have to say, if I had to write a story that included mythology, I would DIE. It's a weak point, you see. haha. He, on the other hand, seems really into mythology. You don't see that much in characters. It's unique.

Yep, Juan is one awesome character. Plus, his hair is hot. Go him!

PS: I'm adding this to my favorite stories list. Thanks for writing such a gem, haha.
StellaDelLuna chapter 4 . 6/6/2005
I love it! It's really original. Update soon!
Essence of Reality chapter 4 . 6/5/2005

That chapter was so awesome!

Incorporating mythology.. nice touch. You seem to be developing your characters very well, which is a definite plus for the story. Keep up the great work!

And thank you for the review reply. _

I would love to tell you about my high school life.. except it would most likely bore you to death. xD

And you seem to have a very good grasp of how things are in this story.

Thank you for updating so fast!
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