Reviews for Brett & Michael
mamaliz chapter 29 . 6/29/2012
God, every time Victor is mentioned I start crying and I cannot stop.
Fumiki chapter 29 . 7/25/2011
Oh this story is just wonderful. But its been 3 years since it's last update, and I can only hope you'll write more ;P PLEASE?
DefineNightmare chapter 29 . 11/20/2008
I would say more, but I'm dead tired so - I love it. I love all the characters, the plot, the whole story. This is going on my favs.
pero-pero chapter 18 . 10/16/2007
hold a sec. GEOFF and MICKEY? that threw me off! i was like. huh... O_o did she just wrote that, did i just read Mickey having sex with Jamie's old pa. hahaha. absolutely unexpected, i was gawking the entire time. gawd. Princess max your the queen! i couldn't think of anyone else who could write up scenes like those other than you. you completely horded ninety-nine percent of my praises and secured future praises for future stories. a pleasure ticking on the author alert list. plus, vic and mikey's story was a major tear-jerker, a fave. i was shamelessly mopping when i finished reading victor, my lover. gawd, you've written perfectly, fact is its how you managed to pen the emotions of the characters so well and that can never be attempted with inexperienced writers or untalented one's. you may have some typos here and there, but that hardly matters. i just love it. victor, my lover got my shirt all soaked up and my nose was all runny. it wouldn't be no major suprise if you had this publish and merit on the bestsellers.
mia5081 chapter 29 . 7/12/2007
Aw, a happy ending! lol. I got so upset and practically cried with Brett and Mikey's other story, and didn't realize that you had put them together ) This makes everything all better again, it was slightly depressing lol, even though I am wondering what will become of Terry and Jaime, and I'll probably go read Damon and Trent's story to find out what happened there. I loved the story!

Mademoiselle Rouge chapter 29 . 7/4/2007
Waah this is GREAT ! I LOVE this story so, so, so bad.

Your characters look so real, I'm speachless :) So...thanks. I really love it.

*bear hug*
limonata chapter 29 . 7/2/2007
Hey, I just read a bunch of your stories and thought I'd say thanks for writing. You give the characters a lot of depth and reality, with human flaws, which is rare in much of the fics I've read. Its also interesting to see how different people view the same events, although I still think Brett is a jerk who doesn't appreciate his lovers. Honestly, how hard is a little affection? He deserved Damon dumping him. Also, are Australians really all that caught up with money and social status, or is it the character's personal quirks? It seemed like they had wierd classist money issues, which was interesting for me to read as an american from the northwest, where no one really gives a much of a crap. I'm reading Esquirella's fic about Damon and Trent now, as I sympathized more with him than Brett. Thanks for letting her jack your character, and for all the hours of reading.
Kizuna chapter 29 . 1/21/2007
Aww,I just love this story!_~ I know I aren't reading your stories in order at all, but oh well... *sigh* I just looked through your profile and felt that I wanted to read this. So I read it..._~ Took me some time, because I'm very slow, but I'm finally finished with it!_

I just love your writing style, your characters; everything!_ I'm gonna read all your other stories too, but as said before, I'm a very slow person and need a LONG time to actually start and finish reading a story..._ And your stories are good and catchy, and I still use a long time... It's a shame, really!_~ I need to pull myself together!_~

So yeah; I loved this story, and I might start read another one during the week!_~
Yuki chapter 29 . 10/29/2006
Wow. It's a rather absorbing story. Read it in one go. Can't believe you had Mike sleep with Geoff, that threw me. Micheal seems to be quite erratic at times though, but it's kinda acceptable. Like when he hit Brian's father. well we're told the reason for it but it kinda seems like a convenient byline. also, some characters feel extraneous and we never learn much about them, like Cody, Brian etc. As characters, I'm quite intrigued by Jamie and Goeff actually.
Spawn of Hell chapter 29 . 7/27/2006
Well, i got what i wanted. i now know how michael coped with victors death. this story was nice. you write long stories and you have quite a few of those... how much time does it take to write a story like this one? if i look at the dates of publishing and of last updated i get that it took you seven months... thats fast. anyways, i liked this. thx
josie chapter 28 . 5/22/2006
God, I love this story ( and the others too). I have a few questions though, being a non-aussie, and not even a native english speaker. So, what the heck is a 'breeder'? Terry calls Jamie a breeder, does it mean that butter wouldn't melt in your mouth?And what are you doing when you're paying out on someone?Other than that, I'm a little weirded out that everybody tells everyone everything! Who they've slept with etc... eek. Is it just me that worries someone might be upset?Finally, I find it hardly to believe that every male member of a family would be gay, like in Damon's American family. I thought only some 10% of the population was supposed to be homosexual. Not that I mind per se, it's just sometimes it bothers me that some writers seem to throw likelihood overboard in favour of every man being gay, or at least bi but preferring males. Obiously many gay men have lots of gay friends, but within the same gene pool? Am I missing new evidence that homosexuality is hereditary?

Sorry bout that little rant, but I wanted it off my chest since I've thought about it before.

Lurv reading your stuff! Only wish there was a chronological marking on the stories on your author page. I started with 'Will'...
Bedlam Chaos chapter 23 . 4/21/2006
Ayeah... I'm reading your stuff for eight or nine hours, non-stop. I need to rest a bit but it's marvellous . I'm scared about the expressions I used because I'm really not confident in my own capacity to write understandable English sentences... Bye bye
Bedlam Chaos chapter 20 . 4/21/2006
I know it's childish but if Damon is happy, what can I say? ô_Ö I think I'm quite fond of Damon... Who would guess it?
Bedlam Chaos chapter 18 . 4/21/2006
I make peace with Mike. I like him. He's a damned idiot but I like him. And I love Geoff . He's straight... Really? Are you sure? :-D And do you really know someone who's lifelike him? It would be cool ;-) .
Bedlam Chaos chapter 17 . 4/21/2006
Sincerely, I hate Mike. Ah gosh. I don't hate him always. Only when HE's pissing off Damon. And with all that bloody jealousy he has. I like him otherwhise... No... I feel pity for him.
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