Reviews for On the Arm of My Soldier
Literary-lycos chapter 1 . 5/21/2007
I love's so soft and sincere...and really extreme at the same time...I know how deeply a feeling can go for another person... and I know how heart breaking it can be to be seperated from them for even a fraction of a second... all in all...if this story should be true then I send blessings and hope everything works out... :)
tornangelwings chapter 1 . 3/2/2007
i love it *in a sing song voice* its amazing, the feeling is so deep. i could feel your heartache. the words flowed so smoothly together it was if there were no seams.

how are you? is he home?
AmdlStar chapter 1 . 8/23/2005
This was a beautiful poem that has a very powerful message for me. My Fiance' just left on Aug. 22nd for Boot Camp to become a United States Marine and I am missing him terribly.

Beautiful work!
catseyeview chapter 1 . 5/25/2005
Heartfelt song, I especially love the title and how you end your song on that note.