Reviews for The Emo Boy And His Curtain Call
Grim Goodbye chapter 11 . 4/27/2008
Oh wow, I just completely cried my eyes out after reading this. You should publish these, they're so good!

Amazing job!
Kizuna chapter 11 . 7/30/2007
Ah, he survived!;) You had me scared for a minute there!;) And now they're all happy! So now I'm gonna go read Adam's story!;) I can't wait!_ All of your stories are just so good, and there's never a boring part in them at all!:D
Kizuna chapter 10 . 7/30/2007
OMG, he did not just die? Must go read the epilogue now!
Kizuna chapter 9 . 7/30/2007
Deo! I like Deo! His story was so heartbreaking, though, I feel so sorry for him!;)

I hope Michael is a match and can help Matt!;)
Kizuna chapter 7 . 7/30/2007
I'm so glad Dave woke up and that Adam's not paralyzed anymore!_ That last sentence though is scary, so I'm just gonna go straight to the next chapter and find out what's gonna happen next...;)
Kizuna chapter 5 . 7/30/2007
Oh shit... So much happening to the poor people... I hope Dave wakes up all fine, and that Adam doesn't stay paralyzed forever and that Matt's cancer is taken care off! I don't want any of them to die!
Kizuna chapter 2 . 7/30/2007
So Matt and Michael are half-brothers... Sweet!;)

But oh my... Someone shot Fay! I need to go straight to the next chapter and find out what happens to him!
Unique Child chapter 11 . 1/25/2007
I absoutley love this mini series you did. Let me tell you, I bawled like a baby in this last one. It was such a great series, and it was just so upsetting, and it taught everyone about life, death, love, and everthing in between! Great job!
eliza-smiles chapter 11 . 12/24/2006
...holy freckled flying ducks...that was brilliant...all of them. i just tread through them all and well i thought seeing as how i LOVED them that i should at least review for you... i am thoroughly pleased with what you created and greatful too. i like all the twists and turns and the unexpected bumps and 'ouchies' as they all created a totally unqiue and vibrant tale... any ways seeing as its christams day...MERRY CHRISTMAS if you celebrate and if not well seasons greetings i guess...any whoot i must be off to read some more of your work...cheers...
fish bowl life chapter 11 . 2/6/2006
who does the very last song? ah this is amazing and all of them are amazing. Happy sigh.
Kristi chapter 11 . 1/10/2006
Omg, i just read every one of your emo boy stories and i think they are absolutely amazing. I got addicted to reading them and couldn't stop. Thank you so much for writing these, they are very touching and emotional. You are a brilliant writer.x
Jodie chapter 11 . 10/24/2005
Hey, i've just sat and read the whole emo boy series and i just had to tell you that i absolutely loved it all! it is one of the best things ive ever read and i think your a really talented writer. your so good with the way you tell the story. i cried at the end when i thought he had died and the epilogue was great. i hope you continue to write pieces as good as that and i'll continue to review)
Frejjis chapter 11 . 10/23/2005
I don't think've ever cried, and laughed as much as I did when I read these stories, they're just so amazingly great!
RandomTheatrics chapter 11 . 10/4/2005
Really, I have to say, this deserves every book award out there. I have laughed, cried, and thrillingly pressed hands to lips as I read this. Draven Valentine, I know thee not, but maybe someday fate will lead us to each other and I can look the wonderful Authoress of this series in the eye and give a sincere, heart-felt thank you. Thank you for every moment I have read this. I hope against hope that more will be written (I haven't checked your profile yet...).Now I have to explain why, after four months, I have read the end story-I was scared...Not to tick you off, but at the end of "The Emo Boy and His Big Day" it was apparant of Matt's cancer, and I so very much wanted nothing to happen to him-your characters being that real...; I also must say that I have a huge fear of any ending to any story, movie, or book. Unless there is a sequel. But, like all excellent things, this review must end. Good luck in all your writings,RandomTheatricsPS: I am in Keyboarding class, and everyone's looking at me like "The EXCERCIZE made you CRY?" ;
Melana chapter 11 . 9/19/2005
Your stories represent your passion, your beliefs, your soul...It's simple and hauntingly beautiful.
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