Reviews for My Darling Victoria
yeah chapter 3 . 11/20/2005
Really good. Write more.
Sweet Roisin Dubh chapter 3 . 9/18/2005
I really enjoyed this story! Please update it soon!
Lellida chapter 3 . 8/29/2005
Haha! Good story so far. The little added bit about the chemise is great, and I loved the freaky dream sequence. Really good story so far- the action isn't rushed or awkward, though some of Victoria's dialogue is a little bit modern. Still, really good story so far and I'm looking forward to reading more!
Jaeiyola chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
Wonderful job once again. I enjoyed it very much.
Rowan MacKenzie chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
OH MY GOD! The way you described him, jet black hair...reminds me of the guy that i've been talking about. This is just a little creepy. Are you clairvoyant?
Rowan MacKenzie chapter 2 . 8/25/2005
Okay...definately can relate...doesn't want to get married but is basically being forced into it. In my case it's the guy in question doing the forcing.
Rowan MacKenzie chapter 1 . 8/25/2005
I can definately relate to how Victoria is feeling...hell, I'm going through that right now...dominate man trying to get young girl. Yep...really familiar to me.
virgo-valentina chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
Oh LORD! Poor Vicky! LOL ! No one derseves that. Oh do add sooner please please please!
SilverMoonlitPath chapter 2 . 8/24/2005
... up-dates soon please... this sounds like it will be really good
Jaeiyola chapter 2 . 8/21/2005
I love it. Great plotline. Update soon
method acting chapter 2 . 6/19/2005
amazing, once again. I can't put into words how great your writing it. You manage to write with such clarity And language. I love it! Keep it up! Wonderful job. :)
virgo-valentina chapter 1 . 6/8/2005
when are you going to add? Are u discouraged because you have too few reviews? Well, don't be! This is YOUR story, YOUR idea, YOUR plot and a show of YOUR determination to write a what can be [if u continue] a fantastic story!

Don't be disheartened at the lack of reviews. Im sure in time, more people will come to enjoy your story just as I really really do! please could you again soon?
virgo-valentina chapter 2 . 6/6/2005
peaceman4ever chapter 1 . 6/4/2005
everything bout this..BLEW ME AWAY..i loved it
Enigmatic Huntress chapter 2 . 6/4/2005
I think I have found one of my new favourite leading ladies! I love Vicky. Telling Ivan(sorry I think I spelt it wrong) to get acquainted with the palour chair. Lol. Her mum seems sweet(She has to be. Worrying about everybody else even when she has just been thrashed.) Although Vicky provided a lot of humour, her father added a lot to the drama and sobering of tone. The sheer spunk she showed when defending her mother was aimable. I cannot blame her for not trusting the gentleman (Gentle? ha!) and her character is really strong and clear. Not sure bout Ivan(I now I am spelling this wrong and coming across like a idot, but still) he IS sexy but seems rather volatile. Which is excellent. Makes the story a lot more interesting when you can't always predict what a character is going to do. But if I was vicky? I wouldn't like him. Well, not THAT much. But her mum seems to hold a soft spot for him. I'm surprised Victoria did not burst into laughter when she called him charming. Her father is going to have a long, painful experience, right? Please say yes. Well written and funny. But more seriously. Why do you have one review? You see I come across stories that aren't so good and they have over 500 reviews and then the stories I like seem to hardly have any. I'm not making this up. Most of my stories on my favourite story list have less than 100 reviews. Most. Not all. But still. So I was thinking about this about an hour before I read this and the only thing I can think is either the 300 review people go out and review every story on the site or it's the summary or tital that is the problem. I liked your summary but maybe you should work on the tital? I think it's fine but you might need something more eye catching or as I seem to be telling everyone you could take out a add on this site. I'm only telling everybody this as I am starting to panic that if people don't get enough reviews they might leave the story. In which cae I would only have about 4 stories out of 30 something left to read. Yeah, I have had WAY too much coffe tonight. It makes me ramble. My long, overdue question is you are going to carry on with this, right? And if you want more reviews try that whole add idea. I'm not exactly sure it will work. But the fac you have one review is stupid. Looking forward to the three months wooing stage if you contiue. Oh and one last thing. Do you research this? Did you say it was in the victorian period or did I just think that? And if not when is it set? Hope you like long reviews. Luv Kaitx
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