Reviews for The Moon On Snow
Adrenalin chapter 1 . 12/20/2009
I loved this story. It had all the feelings of a fairy tale, short and to the point. I liked the way you used the Queen's wishes and made the fairies twist them into a curse. It reminded me of Ella Enchanted and its foolish fairy.

Your style is very good and flows well, so agreeable to read...

For the Review Marathon (link in my profile)
Amarantis chapter 1 . 9/20/2008
In my opinion this is a high quality story. It had this kind of fairy tail element in it, which I liked.
dangerouslies chapter 1 . 4/27/2008

I like this story, it's like a fairy-tale gone slightly wrong. I especially like the ending sentence, because it's in keeping with that theme.

There really isn't much to complain about but you accidentally started a new paragraph when you went into brackets in the instance and I felt that you didn't need to use the brackets the second time with a bit of rephrasing. You also switched from the past tense to the present in the last part of this story and you used 'says' and 'said' a little too frequently. There are a lot of other ways to express the fact that someone is talking.

But apart from those minor things, I really enjoyed reading this.

dangerouslies, a fellow member of Reviewers Kingdom
Medieval Fantasy Freak chapter 1 . 5/30/2005
Very interesting.
Sarah-Brighteyes chapter 1 . 5/29/2005
I absolutely loved this piece. Amazing story weaved in this poem. the fairy tale of a love for everyone and the misfit of fairies wishes lured me right into it. Probably one of my favorite poems I have read tonight. bravo to you *smile*