Reviews for Playing House Series
Anna chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
Please! Finish! I neeeeeeeeeddddd moooorrrrreeee.
Guest chapter 32 . 2/20/2017
I just spent last night and this morning binge-reading this entire story. Please tell me there is more! I really enjoyed it, and I need to know what happens to Adrienne and Johnny and Maddy! I hope there is more!
AlysonSerenaStone chapter 36 . 9/13/2016
Wow, great story! It really is such a shame that you never finished it!
Elisha chapter 36 . 5/22/2015
Guuuurl. Where you been? Are you still writing this story in your spare time or has this completely fallen wayside. I remember you saying you had this story all plotted out and what have you. I hope you're alright Julianne I know how life can sometimes get in the way. I was feeling nostalgic and hopped on FP and I came across this again and did and ugly ass gasp, lol! I first read this when I was fifteen, and now coming back being 22, this story is still really great, I actually understand certain things better being an adult. I wish Johnny and Adrienne got waaaay more support from their parents, or at least one of their parents. I hope you find time to post an update I'd hate for such a good story to go unfinished. Or even just an announcement chapter regarding the story and your well being! Sending prayers your way, I really hope you're alright.
NEED HELP chapter 36 . 5/29/2014
What's ur website called does anyone know?
Guest chapter 36 . 5/24/2014
Awesssome. Buut where can I read the rest of it?
eZima chapter 1 . 4/24/2014
One of the highly anticipated new series Playing House is coming, and a bit of entertainment after a tiring day is always a good thing. Therefore, if you are excited as much as we are, order your VPN package and erase geographic barriers that are stopping you from watching this amazing show on USA Network from anywhere.
Dominique Diane chapter 36 . 12/22/2013
Oh my God, I know you haven't updated in like 5 years, but please! I loved this story and every single chapter, I'm desperated yo know what's going to happen now!
Lots of Love!
genuisgina chapter 9 . 10/11/2013
I neva xpected jillian to b so supportive. She always came out as a spoilt brat. I'm glad there's a beta side of her.
Sabreal chapter 4 . 8/21/2013
I think this is a first time I'm reading a story, about a girl dating a guy, just so he can drop his grades and she can do better than him academically. Johnny isn't as jocklike as I expected...he seems extremely the point I'm wondering how the hell he knocked Adrienne up!

But the ending of this chapter kinda gave a clue.
Adrienne has dyed her hair like Heather's, so there's going to be a case of mistaken identity...I think.
Sabreal chapter 3 . 8/21/2013
I'm loving this, I think.
Interesting note: You refered to Johnny and Heather as "Brad & Jen of our district"...are we talking about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, because we all know he did the dirty on poor Jen with Angelina Jolie.

*looks at the last edited date*

Nah, I'm thinking you used that analogy on purpose, so Adrienne would be the "Angelina Jolie" in this scenario...but then, you first posted this in 2005, the year Brenn got it's possible when you wrote this, "Brad & Jen" were a happening couple, without a chink in sight.

So there I am. Off on one of my legendary rambles. You will grow to like me :) I am a very gracious reviewer and pay lots of attention to the works of fellow writers

See you when the next review happens.
twiinklex chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
A really gripping story I couldn't put down. You really brought out the characters' emotions and their struggles very well, such that despite their unrealistically young ages, I didn't think the story was unconvincing. They say to only write what you know, and you certainly seem to understand the issues/themes/problems raised in your story very well. Good job! Did you go through a similar experience? I never expected this to be such an angsty story. Not complaining of course, because I love it! I I can't believe you stopped at that cliffhanger :( is she gonna snatch Adrienne's baby? Just like how I can't believe so much time has passed since the first chapter and how much all the characters have gone through. It's heartbreaking and I sincerely hope that I'll be able to finish this story right up till its end.

Several typos, missing words and grammar errors here and there but no biggie. Also, I think the switching of POVs is quite refreshing, especially since you are able to capture two different tones for two completely opposite characters, but sometimes I feel that it switches back and forth too much. At certain points I also find certain things about the story inconsistent, like details in later chapters were obviously thought of only later, after you wrote the earlier chapters.

Still, it's a commendable and impressive story that tackles real-life controversial issues very well and I applaud you for that. Please finish this story before I die! :( Ill never rest in peace if I don;t get to read the end of the Playing House series. Oh and my favourite title is Madison Forever.
Phaxsoone chapter 9 . 7/6/2013
Really? 14? Make everyone 2 years older and I might read it, but this is way too unbelievable. Sorry.
MileyRowling chapter 36 . 6/9/2013
Great work and great story!
Guest chapter 36 . 5/8/2013
the story is good. i know its been around four years since you updated it but i recommend you to finish it
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