Reviews for Chemistry
CallMeCute chapter 38 . 1/22/2008
why didnt she say that she didnt kiss chad back.
OoohLookACat chapter 38 . 1/21/2008

he's gonna be yelled at for that in the morning

it seems to be heartbreak after heartbreak for those two

i feel bad sometimes

can't wait for more

devils-adopted-sista chapter 1 . 1/21/2008
One. Chapter. Left. Oh. My. Frigging. God.

Normally I don't talk in that sort of slow, capitalised staccato, but I swear - I've been reading this story for a while now and I can't help but be amazed at how you've worked this story. It's been an up and down journey and I love the way you build up the tension and drama, drawing out the plot in a way that feels right without being over-done or totally clichéd to the point of annoying (frustrating - but in a good way - and far from annoying). As for your characters - if I even started talking about them, I'd rant on forever.

They're just great.

Seriously: good job, and I can't wait for the last chapter (though a little part of me is sad to see it all go, haha).

Oh, and this might sound a little weird, but: Thanks. D.
runningrunning chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
Hey! I had a feeling you'd post today, though it was probably more of a hope that you would post today.

I am so glad you came back to this story and have continued to write, what I consider, some of the best fiction work on this website. And I have to say, I missed it dearly these past months.

Personally, Evelyn needs some new friends. I'm joking of course, but, holy crap, what a bad idea that was to make him jealous. I'm pretty sure that's only necessary when you want the guy to like you. He's already far past that stage. I do feel really bad for him. I understand more where he's coming from than where Evelyn is, but I think she's just a mess when it comes to guys.

To sidetrack for a moment, I figured out along the making of this story that you're a senior, like myself, so I hope all your college stuff went well. I wasn't on this website pretty much from August to December because of all those forms and essays and supplements. Ah! Okay, I'm done.

Keep it up! Can't wait to read the ending! :)
covered chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
euphorictragedy chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
Man, they take one step forward but three, no four steps back. Is this back and forth thing going to stop soon?
WriterRose chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
Awesome, so awesome! Once again I had to print it out because I was going to a friends house. I ignored my friends until I finished reading it. Love how jealous he is and it's good that she knew he had a fight with Chad, otherwise him fighting isn't as important. And the whole not drinking before thing, also great thing to reference/remember. Overall amazing chapter which makes me very happy indeed. Another chapter soon? :D

WriterRose aka The Artist Formerly Known As Sparkle (or Shoelaces)
j.u.s.t. .f.o.r. .m.e chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
wow, are you kidding me? it can't be the last chapter.. no.. you must be joking.. its been such a crazy intense journey..

anyways, still looking forward to seeing the end of this - adam's reaction to evelyn's open-upping ness.. wow.. that sounded retarded. sorry, it's been a shitty week. but htis update made me happy :)
disgruntled female chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
When will they ever learn! A fantabulous chapter, as per usual. I love Jordan. Stupid Adam. Stupid Eve. Just kiss and make up already. But, of course, that wouldn't make a very interesting story, now, would it? Keep it up! ;p
duckliy543 chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
god adam can be such an durkie.

he shouldnt talk when he's drunk its bad for him.

now look what he did.
Alenor chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
heya, this is a great chappie. although adam was being a real prick to her, she's right. can't wait for more ~ Alenor.
moneymakestheworldgoround chapter 38 . 1/21/2008


silly adam, eh? getting drunk. :D
wh00t chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
hopelessromantic444 chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
aw stupid drunk adam! lol

i hope evelyn explains to him what really happened soon...
xHUGx chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
Evelyn's really starting to piss me off. She's been ignoring Adam and whatnot, and he hasn't said anything - he hasn't blown up. Until right now. And now she's acting like she has the right to hurt when Adam's been hurting a damn lot more than she has? I know they're both in pain, but if Eve didn't *ignore the guy, then, well, they wouldn't be where they are, would they? And she gets the last words in this chapter, and that's hardly fair. The guy's can't always be the one to go chasing after the girl. He's right too. She's frigid one day and then the next she's pretending that she cares (which she does, but you know). I'm glad that Adam snapped at her. I hope it knocks some sense into that girl.

Anyway. I like your story. The tone is fine, and you get into your reader's minds at the right moments. Thanks for the update.
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