Reviews for Walk On By
MyDecoy chapter 11 . 12/1/2008
AH i loved it

it was great lol )
dee chapter 11 . 3/23/2007
did you die and go to heaven? its been more than a year and u still haven't updated! i like this story, funny and cute.. hope u update soon
BrownEyedBeauty chapter 11 . 8/31/2006
This is really a great story! I love the humour, and the plot. Can't wait till the next chapter!
squiggle-line chapter 11 . 1/24/2006
Oh, no! Please don't tell me that's the end!

This is absolutely hilarious. A girl just turned around and stared at me because I was laughing so hard.

Great description of the movie. And the three types of drunks thing was really funny too. Some of the names get mixed up a bit...Mary instead of Marcy.

Please, please, please continue!
squiggle-line chapter 1 . 1/24/2006
Hahaha! This is hilarious. "Scuzzy scumbag" Nice use of alliteration. The guy believing that she was an ex-convict was a bit of a stretch, but I guess if he's also tipsy, he would probably believe anything. The pathological liar follow up was a nice touch too.
Airirea chapter 11 . 1/2/2006
Hello.. I read your fic some months ago. But have never bothered to review. Mostly because I have no comment on the story. I feel that it is good the way it is. But now I am wondering if you are going to update. I noticed the stories on you favourite list are all from some months ago too. So I assume you haven't been on FP for quite some times. I hope that you are doing well and that you does not plan on giving up on the story (you didn't sounds like you are going to give up on it) I am just wondering how you are doing. Since you didn't post any news either. Thank you. and good luck with the story and your life
splotchy chapter 11 . 9/16/2005
I AM so in love with Zach! He sounds like a great guy to me and I really want to read more about him and Brooke. Update soon. )
FictionPressWriter chapter 11 . 8/19/2005
o i this story!please update!
DuchessYappingDog chapter 11 . 8/11/2005
Hehehehe. This story is very amusing. She's so stubborn. She kissed the guy and liked it. Of course she likes him! Hahaha.
SouledChampion chapter 11 . 8/1/2005
Some more Zach/Brooke moments, soon! By the way, HBP was kick-ass; totally didn't see that ending coming, huh?
wanderingnachos chapter 11 . 7/30/2005
YOu have a great story going here! Hope you update soon!
Renzie chapter 11 . 7/27/2005
Haha, I loved the "What's it called?" "Shit?" part. Funny. And no, I haven't read the new Harry Potter yet. I've heard hundreds of good things though X_X About it, that is. It's sitting right here - in front of my computer. I think I'll pick it up and start reading...
Kira chapter 11 . 7/25/2005
great chapter...can't wait for the next one please update soon!

much love-Kira
queen-lala chapter 11 . 7/21/2005
wow... can't wait for the next chappie... great chap. update soon.
anatidaephobiac chapter 11 . 7/20/2005
ah harry potter... amazing. she needs to write faster though. i had basically forgotten most of what had happened in the previous books (besides the obvious things) but as soon as i started reading it all came back to me. which was a good thing because i didn't want to waste time rereading the 5th book and just remembering everything while i could be reading the NEW 6th book and being like... wow it just gets more amazing. so anyway, great job on the story... love the characters/dialogue/everything. update before you go away please?
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